Extravasate İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı
Extravasate anlamları
- (v. t.) To force or let out of the proper vessels or arteries, as blood.
- (v. t.) To pass by infiltration or effusion from the normal channel, such as a blood vessel or a lymphatic, into the surrounding tissue; -- said of blood, lymph, etc.
Extravasate tanım:
Kelime: ex·trav·a·sate
Söyleniş: ik-'stra-v&-"sAt, -"zAt
İşlev: verb
Türleri: -sat·ed; -sat·ing
Kökeni: Latin extra vas vessel
transitive senses : to force out or cause to escape from a proper vessel or channel
intransitive senses : to pass by infiltration or effusion from a proper vessel or channel (as a blood vessel) into surrounding tissue
- ex·trav·a·sa·tion