Exuviae İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı
Exuviae anlamları
- (n. pl.) Cast skins, shells, or coverings of animals; any parts of animals which are shed or cast off, as the skins of snakes, the shells of lobsters, etc.
- (n. pl.) The fossil shells and other remains which animals have left in the strata of the earth.
Exuviae tanım:
Kelime: ex·u·vi·ae
Söyleniş: ig-'zü-vE-"E, -vE-"I
İşlev: noun plural
Kökeni: Latin, from exuere to take off, from ex- -uere to put on; akin to Old Church Slavonic obuti to put on (footwear)
: sloughed off natural animal coverings (as the skins of snakes)
- ex·u·vi·al