

1. anlamı (f)., (i). doldurmak, tatmin etmek; yapmak, icra etmek; işgal etmek, tutmak; dolmak, doymak, kabarmak, şişmek; hazırlamak (reçete); (i). dolumluk, doyumluk, dolduracak miktar; toprak tesviyesinde kullanılan toprak veya moloz. fill in doldurmak, ek.
2. anlamı doldurmak. dolmak. kaplamak. yayılmak. yapmak. icra etmek. yerine getirmek. karşılamak. doyurmak. tatmin etmek. istiap haddi. istenilen/gereksinilen miktar.


Fill İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı

Fill anlamları

  1. (noun) One of the thills or shafts of a carriage.
  2. (v. t.) A full supply, as much as supplies want; as much as gives complete satisfaction.
  3. (a.) To trim (a yard) so that the wind shall blow on the after side of the sails.
  4. (a.) To press and dilate, as a sail; as, the wind filled the sails.
  5. (a.) To possess and perform the duties of; to officiate in, as an incumbent; to occupy; to hold; as, a king fills a throne; the president fills the office of chief magistrate; the speaker of the House fills the chair.
  6. (a.) To furnish an abudant supply to; to furnish with as mush as is desired or desirable; to occupy the whole of; to swarm in or overrun.
  7. (a.) To make full; to supply with as much as can be held or contained; to put or pour into, till no more can be received; to occupy the whole capacity of.
  8. (v. i.) To fill a cup or glass for drinking.
  9. (a.) To fill or supply fully with food; to feed; to satisfy.
  10. (a.) To supply with an incumbent; as, to fill an office or a vacancy.
  11. (a.) To make an embankment in, or raise the level of (a low place), with earth or gravel.
  12. (v. i.) To become full; to have the whole capacity occupied; to have an abundant supply; to be satiated; as, corn fills well in a warm season; the sail fills with the wind.
  13. (noun) That which fills; filling; specif., an embankment, as in railroad construction, to fill a hollow or ravine; also, the place which is to be filled.

Fill tanım:

Kelime: fill
Söyleniş: 'fil
İşlev: verb
Kökeni: Middle English, from Old English fyllan; akin to Old English full full
transitive senses
1 a : to put into as much as can be held or conveniently contained fill a cup with water b : to supply with a full complement the class is already filled c (1) : to cause to swell or billow wind filled the sails (2) : to trim (a sail) to catch the wind d : to raise the level of with fill filled land e : to repair the cavities of (teeth) f : to stop up : OBSTRUCT, PLUG wreckage filled the channel g : to stop up the interstices, crevices, or pores of (as cloth, wood, or leather) with a foreign substance
2 a : FEED, SATIATE b : SATISFY, FULFILL fills all requirements c : MAKE OUT, COMPLETE -- used with out or in fill out a form fill in the blanks d : to draw the playing cards necessary to complete (as a straight or flush in poker)
3 a : to occupy the whole of smoke filled the room b : to spread through c : to make full a mind filled with fantasies
4 a : to possess and perform the duties of : HOLD fill an office b : to place a person in fill a vacancy
5 : to supply as directed fill a prescription
6 : to cover the surface of with a layer of precious metal
intransitive senses : to become full
- fill one's shoes : to take over one's job, position, or responsibilities

Fill ile eşanlamlı (synonym) kelimeler

Close, Cram, Filling, Fulfill, Jam, Meet, Occupy, Replete, Sate, Satiate, Satisfy, Stuff, Take,

Fill ile zıt (antonym) anlamlı kelimeler

Discharge, Empty,


İngilizce Fill kelimesinin İspanyolca karşılığı.
s. hartura, hartazgo; relleno; cantidad suficiente
v. llenar; cumplir con; rellenar


İngilizce Fill kelimesinin Fransızca karşılığı.
n. remplissage; quantité suffisante; abondance, satiété, saturation
v. emplir, remplir; rassasier; plomber (une dent); réaliser, exécuter; remplir (un formulaire)


İngilizce Fill kelimesinin Almanca karşılığı.
n. Füllung; genügende Menge; Fülle
v. füllen; ausfüllen; besetzen; ausfüllen; anfüllen; einfüllen; abfüllen


İngilizce Fill kelimesinin İtalyanca karşılığı.
s. abbondanza; sufficienza, sazietà; quantità sufficiente; carica; (Edil) colmata; (Strad) riporto, rinterro
v. riempire, colmare; gremire, affollare; chiudere, otturare; invadere; occupare, coprire; (Mar) gonfiare; (Mar) bracciare; (Comm) evadere, eseguire; compilare; soddisfare, rispondere a; saziare


İngilizce Fill kelimesinin Portekizce karşılığı.
s. fartura, abundância; quantidade satisfatória
v. encher, encher-se; saciar; obturar (dente); preencher; satisfazer-se; aviar (receita)


f. doldurmak, şişirmek, doyurmak, dolgu yapmak, dolmak, şişmek
i. dolduracak miktar, dolusu, doyma, doyumluk


İngilizce Fill kelimesinin Flemenkçe karşılığı.
zn. vulling, hele portie; verzadiging, overvloed
ww. vullen; invullen; verzadigd zijn; vullen (gaatje in tand); uitvoeren; antwoorden op; volmaken


n. satisfying amount of food or drink; amount needed to fill a receptacle; something used to fill; something which fills
v. put in until full; supply with as much as is needed; satisfy, satiate (one's appetite); put a filling in a dental cavity; meet a need; substitute for, do the job of; supply information; prepare a medical prescription

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