

1. anlamı balıklarbalık.


Fishes İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı

Fishes anlamları

  1. (pl. ) of Fish
  2. (pl. ) of Finch

Fishes tanım:

Kelime: fish
Söyleniş: 'fish
İşlev: noun
Türleri: plural fish or fish·es
Usage: often attributive
Kökeni: Middle English, from Old English fisc; akin to Old High German fisc fish, Latin piscis
1 a : an aquatic animal -- usually used in combination starfish cuttlefish b : any of numerous cold-blooded strictly aquatic craniate vertebrates that include the bony fishes and usually the cartilaginous and jawless fishes and that have typically an elongated somewhat spindle-shaped body terminating in a broad caudal fin, limbs in the form of fins when present at all, and a 2-chambered heart by which blood is sent through thoracic gills to be oxygenated
2 : the flesh of fish used as food
3 a : a person who is caught or is wanted (as in a criminal investigation) b : FELLOW, PERSON an odd fish c : SUCKER 5a
4 : something that resembles a fish: as a plural, capitalized : PISCES 1, 2a b : TORPEDO 2b
- fish·less /'fish-l&s/ adjective
- fish·like /-"lIk/ adjective
- fish out of water : a person who is in an unnatural or uncomfortable sphere or situation
- fish to fry : concerns or interests to pursue -- usually used with other
- neither fish nor fowl : one that does not belong to a particular class or category
[fish illustration]


İngilizce Fishes kelimesinin İspanyolca karşılığı.
[fish] s. pez, peje; pescado v. pescar


İngilizce Fishes kelimesinin Fransızca karşılığı.
[fish] n. poisson; type, bonhomme, créature (argot) v. pêcher; pêcher à la ligne; chercher à pêcher; chercher; chercher à obtenir


İngilizce Fishes kelimesinin Almanca karşılığı.
[fish] n. Fisch; Fischfleisch; Sternzeichen; komischer Kauz (Umgangsprache) v. fischen, angeln; suchen; versuchen


İngilizce Fishes kelimesinin İtalyanca karşılığı.
[fish] s. pesce; carne di pesce; (fam) tipo, persona v. pescare; tirar fuori dall'acqua; cercare, tentare di ottenere


İngilizce Fishes kelimesinin Portekizce karşılığı.
[fish] s. peixe, pescado; reforço; marca; travessão v. pescar; buscar; alcançar; procurar peixes; procurar; tentar obter s. peixes, sígno de peixes


i. balık [astr.], balık burcu [astr.], balık takımyıldızı [astr.]


İngilizce Fishes kelimesinin Flemenkçe karşılığı.
[fish] zn. vis; vissen; kerel, speciaal iemand, creatuur (i.d. spreektaal) ww. vissen; proberen te vissen; vissen zoeken; zoeken; vangen


[fish] n. type of cold-blooded aquatic animal with fins and scales; other aquatic animals (Informal); flesh of fish; fellow, guy (used in combination - i.e. odd fish, queer fish) v. catch fish; try to catch fish; search for fish; search; try to obtain - n. Pisces, astrological sign of fish, twelfth sign of the Zodiac

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su yüzeyine doğru çıkmaktadır. ^ Bray, Dianne J. "Order Beryciformes". Fishes of Australia (İngilizce). Museums Victoria. 22 Aralık 2018 tarihinde kaynağından...

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