

1. anlamı (i). dilbalığı, dere pisisi, yan yüzen birkaç çeşit balık. English flounder dere pisisi, (zool). Pleuronectes flesus.,dere pisi,xyz bocala/uğraş.
2. anlamı çırpınmak. batmamak için çabalamak. bata çıka ilerlemek. bocalamak.


Flounder İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı

Flounder anlamları

  1. (noun) A tool used in crimping boot fronts.
  2. (noun) The act of floundering.
  3. (v. i.) To fling the limbs and body, as in making efforts to move; to struggle, as a horse in the mire, or as a fish on land; to roll, toss, and tumble; to flounce.
  4. (noun) A flatfish of the family Pleuronectidae, of many species.

Flounder tanım:

Kelime: floun·der
Söyleniş: 'flaun-d&r
İşlev: noun
Türleri: plural flounder or flounders
Kökeni: Middle English, from Anglo-French floundre, of Scandinavian origin; akin to Old Norse flythra flounder
: FLATFISH; especially : a fish of either of two families (Pleuronectidae and Bothidae) that include important marine food fishes

Flounder ile eşanlamlı (synonym) kelimeler
