

1. anlamı (f)., (i). serpilmek, gelişmek, büyümek, neşvünema bulmak, inkişaf etmek; başarı kazanmak, muvaffak olmak, zenginleşmek, yıldızı parlamak, gözde olmak; süslü bir dil kullanmak; gösterişli hareketlerde bulunmak; süslemek; tezyin etmek; sallamak,.
2. anlamı el sallamak. elini kolunu sallayarak dikkat çekmeye çalışmak. sağlıklı bir biçimde büyümek. gelişmek. gösteriş. hava.


Flourish İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı

Flourish anlamları

  1. (v. i.) To execute an irregular or fanciful strain of music, by way of ornament or prelude.
  2. (v. i.) To grow luxuriantly; to increase and enlarge, as a healthy growing plant; a thrive.
  3. (v. i.) To make bold and sweeping, fanciful, or wanton movements, by way of ornament, parade, bravado, etc.; to play with fantastic and irregular motion.
  4. (noun) Something made or performed in a fanciful, wanton, or vaunting manner, by way of ostentation, to excite admiration, etc.; ostentatious embellishment; ambitious copiousness or amplification; parade of words and figures; show; as, a flourish of rhetoric or of wit.
  5. (v. t.) To adorn with flowers orbeautiful figures, either natural or artificial; to ornament with anything showy; to embellish.
  6. (noun) A fanciful stroke of the pen or graver; a merely decorative figure.
  7. (v. i.) To use florid language; to indulge in rhetorical figures and lofty expressions; to be flowery.
  8. (noun) Decoration; ornament; beauty.
  9. (v. t.) To move in bold or irregular figures; to swing about in circles or vibrations by way of show or triumph; to brandish.
  10. (v. i.) To make ornamental strokes with the pen; to write graceful, decorative figures.
  11. (v. i.) To boast; to vaunt; to brag.
  12. (noun) A flourishing condition; prosperity; vigor.
  13. (noun) The waving of a weapon or other thing; a brandishing; as, the flourish of a sword.
  14. (v. i.) To be prosperous; to increase in wealth, honor, comfort, happiness, or whatever is desirable; to thrive; to be prominent and influental; specifically, of authors, painters, etc., to be in a state of activity or production.
  15. (v. t.) To embellish with the flowers of diction; to adorn with rhetorical figures; to grace with ostentatious eloquence; to set off with a parade of words.
  16. (noun) A fantastic or decorative musical passage; a strain of triumph or bravado, not forming part of a regular musical composition; a cal; a fanfare.
  17. (v. t.) To develop; to make thrive; to expand.

Flourish tanım:

Kelime: flour·ish
Söyleniş: 'fl&r-ish, 'fl&-rish
İşlev: verb
Kökeni: Middle English florisshen, from Middle French floriss-, stem of florir, from (assumed) Vulgar Latin florire, alteration of Latin florEre, from flor-, flos flower
intransitive senses
1 : to grow luxuriantly : THRIVE
2 a : to achieve success : PROSPER b : to be in a state of activity or production flourished around 1850 c : to reach a height of development or influence
3 : to make bold and sweeping gestures
transitive senses : to wield with dramatic gestures : BRANDISH
synonym see SWING
- flour·ish·er noun
- flour·ish·ing·ly /-i-shi[ng]-lE/ adverb

Flourish ile eşanlamlı (synonym) kelimeler

Boom, Brandish, Expand, Fanfare, Prosper, Thrive, Wave,


İngilizce Flourish kelimesinin İspanyolca karşılığı.
s. floreo, plumada, ringorrango v. alcanzar éxito, crecer sanamente, florecer, lozanear, proliferar, prosperar, suceder; ser floreciente


İngilizce Flourish kelimesinin Fransızca karşılığı.
n. enjolivure; fioriture; ornement; fanfare; geste prétentieux v. croître, se développer; prospérer; réussir


İngilizce Flourish kelimesinin Almanca karşılığı.
n. schwungvolle Bewegung; Fanfare; Schnörkel (in der Handschrift) v. winken, schwingen; blühen, gedeihen, Erfolg haben


İngilizce Flourish kelimesinin İtalyanca karşılığı.
s. l'agitare, il brandire, lo sventolare; ghirigoro, arabesco, abbellimento; squillo, fanfara v. essere fiorente, fiorire, prosperare; star bene, godere buona salute; (Agr) crescere rigogliosamente; fare larghi gesti; (fig) usare un linguaggio fiorito; fare svolazzi scrivendo


İngilizce Flourish kelimesinin Portekizce karşılığı.
s. abano, alçamento; frisagem; alegoria; som da corneta v. abanar, sacudir; florescer, crescer, prosperar, ter sucesso


f. gelişmek, güzelleşmek, büyümek, yıldızı parlamak, abartılı jestler yapmak, savrulmak, dalgalanmak, sallamak, sağlıklı olmak, süslü konuşmak, süslemek, sergilemek, fanfar çalmak i. sallama, savurma, gösterişli hareket, süs, gösteriş, süslü söz, fanfar [müz.], tören borusu, gelişme


İngilizce Flourish kelimesinin Flemenkçe karşılığı.
zn. zwaai, wapper; parade (voor de show); wappering; gebruik van hoge woorden; trompet klank ww. uitzwaaien, zwaaien; bloeien; suces hebben


n. act of waving or flourishing (i.e. a sword); pretentious display; decorative addition (especially in handwriting); period of healthy growth and development v. wave, brandish (i.e. a sword); thrive; grow and develop in a healthy manner; prosper, succeed; add decorative elements (especially to handwriting)

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