Functionless İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı
Functionless anlamları
- (a.) Destitute of function, or of an appropriate organ. Darwin.
Functionless tanım:
Kelime: func·tion
Söyleniş: 'f&[ng](k)-sh&n
İşlev: noun
Kökeni: Latin function-, functio performance, from fungi to perform; probably akin to Sanskrit bhunkte he enjoys
1 : professional or official position : OCCUPATION
2 : the action for which a person or thing is specially fitted or used or for which a thing exists : PURPOSE
3 : any of a group of related actions contributing to a larger action; especially : the normal and specific contribution of a bodily part to the economy of a living organism
4 : an official or formal ceremony or social gathering
5 a : a mathematical correspondence that assigns exactly one element of one set to each element of the same or another set b : a variable (as a quality, trait, or measurement) that depends on and varies with another height is a function of age ; also : RESULT illnesses that are a function of stress
6 : characteristic behavior of a chemical compound due to a particular reactive unit; also : FUNCTIONAL GROUP
7 : a computer subroutine; specifically : one that performs a calculation with variables provided by a program and supplies the program with a single result
- func·tion·less

synonyms FUNCTION, OFFICE, DUTY, PROVINCE mean the acts or operations expected of a person or thing. FUNCTION implies a definite end or purpose that the one in question serves or a particular kind of work it is intended to perform the function of language is two-fold: to communicate emotion and to give information -- Aldous Huxley . OFFICE is typically applied to the function or service expected of a person by reason of his trade or profession or his special relationship to others they exercise the offices of the judge, the priest, the counsellor -- W. E. Gladstone . DUTY applies to a task or responsibility imposed by one's occupation, rank, status, or calling it is the judicial duty of the court, to examine the whole case -- R. B. Taney . PROVINCE applies to a function, office, or duty that naturally or logically falls to one nursing does not belong to a man; it is not his province -- Jane Austen .
İngilizce Functionless kelimesinin İspanyolca karşılığı.adj. inútil, sin objeto, sin función
İngilizce Functionless kelimesinin Fransızca karşılığı.adj. sans fonction, sans usage
İngilizce Functionless kelimesinin Almanca karşılığı.adj. funktionslos, ohne Aufgabe, nutzlos
İngilizce Functionless kelimesinin İtalyanca karşılığı.agg. inutile, mancante di funzionalità, che non si può usare
İngilizce Functionless kelimesinin Portekizce karşılığı.adj. sem função, sem uso
İngilizce Functionless kelimesinin Flemenkçe karşılığı.bn. zonder funktie, zonder taak