

1. anlamı (i.), (s.), (f.) gidiş, ayrılış; yolların durumu; (s.) mevcut olan; hareket eden; işleyen; (f.) gelecek zamanı belirten yardımcı fiil: I am going to do this. Bunu yapacağım. goings on (k.dili) olup bitenler, hal ve hareket (çoğu zaman fena anlamda.
2. anlamı gidiş. ayrılış. yol durumu. gidiş hızı. şu anki. mevcut. yaşayan. işleyen. çalışan.
3. anlamı gidis. ayrilis. yol durumu. gidis hizi. su anki. mevcut. yasayan. isleyen. çalisan.


Going İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı

Going anlamları

  1. (noun) Departure.
  2. (noun) Course of life; behavior; doings; ways.
  3. (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Go
  4. (noun) Pregnancy; gestation; childbearing.
  5. (noun) The act of moving in any manner; traveling; as, the going is bad.
  6. (p. pr.) Of or pert. to a going business or concern; as, the going value of a company.
  7. (p. pr.) Carrying on its ordinary business; conducting business, or carried on, with an indefinite prospect of continuance; -- chiefly used in the phrases a going business, concern, etc.
  8. (p. pr.) That goes; in existence; available for present use or enjoyment; current; obtainable; also, moving; working; in operation; departing; as, he is of the brightest men going; going prices or rate.

Going tanım:

Kelime: go
Söyleniş: 'gO
İşlev: verb
Türleri: went /'went/; gone /'gon also 'gän/; go·ing /'gO-i[ng], 'go(-)i[ng]; "going to" in sense 13 is often 'gO&-n& or 'go-n& or 'g&-n&/; goes /'gOz/
Kökeni: Middle English gon, from Old English gAn; akin to Old High German gAn to go, Greek kichanein to reach, attain
intransitive senses
1 : to move on a course : PROCEED go slow went by train -- compare STOP
2 : to move out of or away from a place expressed or implied : LEAVE, DEPART went from school to the party going away for vacation
3 a : to take a certain course or follow a certain procedure reports go through channels to the president b : to pass by means of a process like journeying the message went by wire c : to proceed without delay and often in a thoughtless or reckless manner -- used especially to intensify a complementary verb why did you go and spoil it go jump in a lake d (1) : to extend from point to point or in a certain direction the road goes to the lake (2) : to give access : LEAD that door goes to the cellar
4 obsolete : WALK
5 : to be habitually in a certain state or condition go bareheaded
6 a : to become lost, consumed, or spent our time has gone b : DIE c : to slip away : ELAPSE the evening went quickly d : to come to be given up or discarded these slums have to go e : to pass by sale went for a good price f : to become impaired or weakened his hearing started to go g : to give way especially under great force or pressure : BREAK the roof went
7 a : to move along in a specified manner : FARE everything was going well b : to be in general or on an average cheap, as yachts go c : to be or become especially as the result of a contest the election went in her favor d : to turn out well : SUCCEED worked hard to make the party go
8 a : to apply oneself went to work b : to put or subject oneself went to unnecessary expense c chiefly Southern & Midland : INTEND I didn't go to do it
9 : to have recourse to another for corroboration, vindication, or decision : RESORT go to court to recover damages
10 a : to begin an action or motion here goes b : to maintain or perform a certain action or motion still going strong c : to function in the proper or expected manner : RUN the motor won't go
11 : to be known goes by an alias
12 a : to act in accordance or harmony a good rule to go by b : to come to be determined dreams go by contraries c : to come to be applied or appropriated all proceeds go to charity d : to pass by award, assignment, or lot the prize went to a sophomore e (1) : to contribute to an end or result qualities that go to make a hero (2) : to be of advantage has a lot going for her
13 : to be about, intending, or expecting something -- used in a progressive tense before an infinitive is going to leave town
14 a : EXTEND his knowledge fails to go very deep b : to come or arrive at a certain state or condition go to sleep c : to come to be : BECOME the tire went flat -- often used to express conversion to specified values or a specified state gone Hollywood go condo d : to undergo a change leaves go from green to red
15 a : to be in phrasing or expression : READ as the story goes b : to be capable of being sung or played the tune goes like this
16 : to be compatible, suitable, or becoming : HARMONIZE the tie goes with his suit
17 a : to be capable of passing, extending, or being contained or inserted will these clothes go in your suitcase b : to have a usual or proper place or position : BELONG these books go on the top shelf
18 : to have a tendency : CONDUCE it goes to show
19 a (1) : to carry authority what she said went (2) : to be acceptable, satisfactory, or adequate anything goes here b : to hold true : be valid the rule goes for you, too
20 : to empty the bladder or bowels
transitive senses
1 : to proceed along or according to : FOLLOW if I were going his way went the conventional route
2 : to travel through or along : TRAVERSE went the length of the street
3 a : to make a wager of : BET go a dollar on the outcome b : to make an offer of : BID willing to go $50 for the clock
4 a : to assume the function or obligation of promised to go bail for his friend b : to participate to the extent of decided to go halves on the winnings
5 : YIELD, WEIGH this fish goes ten pounds
6 a : to put up with : TOLERATE couldn't go the noise b : AFFORD can't go the price c : ENJOY I could go a soda
7 a : to cause (a characteristic sound) to occur the gun went bang b : SAY -- used chiefly in oral narration of speech
8 : to engage in don't go telling everyone
9 of a sports team or player : to have a record of went 11-0 last season
- go·er /'gO(-&)r/ noun
- go about : to set about
- go after : to try to get : SEEK
- go all the way 1 : to enter into complete agreement 2 : to engage in sexual intercourse
- go at 1 a : to make an attack on b : to make an approach to 2 : UNDERTAKE
- go back on 1 : ABANDON 2 : BETRAY 3 : FAIL
- go begging : to be in little demand
- go by the board 1 : to be carried over a ship's side 2 : to be discarded
- go down the line : to give wholehearted support
- go easy : to be sparing go easy with the sugar go easy on the kid
- go fly a kite : to stop being an annoyance or disturbance told him to go fly a kite
- go for 1 : to pass for or serve as 2 : to try to secure or attain (as a goal) go for the prize 3 a : FAVOR, ACCEPT cannot go for your idea b : to have an interest in or liking for she went for him in a big way -- Chandler Brossard 4 : ATTACK, ASSAIL my dog went for the intruder
- go for broke : to put forth all one's strength or resources
- go great guns : to achieve great success
- go hang : to cease to be of interest or concern
- go into : to be contained in 5 goes into 60 12 times
- go it 1 : to behave in a reckless, excited, or impromptu manner 2 : to proceed in a rapid or furious manner 3 : to conduct one's affairs : ACT insists on going it alone
- go missing chiefly British : to become lost : DISAPPEAR
- go one better : OUTDO, SURPASS
- go over 1 : EXAMINE 2 a : REPEAT b : STUDY, REVIEW
- go places : to be on the way to success
- go public 1 of a close corporation : to offer shares for sale to the general public 2 : to make a public disclosure
- go steady : to date one person exclusively and frequently
- go the vole : to risk all for great gains
- go through 1 : to subject to thorough examination, consideration, or study 2 : EXPERIENCE, UNDERGO 3 : CARRY OUT, PERFORM went through his work in a daze
- go to bat for : to give active support or assistance to : DEFEND, CHAMPION
- go to bed with : to have sexual intercourse with
- go to one's head 1 : to cause one to become confused, excited, or dizzy 2 : to cause one to become conceited or overconfident
- go to pieces : to become shattered (as in nerves or health)
- go to the mat : to make an all-out combative effort (as in support of a position)
- go to town 1 : to work or act rapidly or efficiently 2 : to be markedly successful 3 : to indulge oneself excessively
- go with 1 : DATE 2 : CHOOSE 2 went with an iron off the tee
- go without saying : to be self-evident
- go with the flow : CONFORM 2b
- to go 1 : still remaining ten minutes to go 2 of prepared food : sold for consumption off the premises

Going ile eşanlamlı (synonym) kelimeler

Departure, Exit, Expiration, Leaving, Loss, Passing, Release, Sledding,


İngilizce Going kelimesinin İspanyolca karşılığı.
s. ida, partida
adj. en marcha, en operación, que opera


İngilizce Going kelimesinin Fransızca karşılığı.
n. marche; départ; allure; décès; mouvement; progrès; évènement
adj. existant, florissant; commun, courant


İngilizce Going kelimesinin Almanca karşılığı.
[go] v. weiterkommen, bewegen; reisen; verlassen; von einem Punkt zum anderen strecken; passen; verbrauchen; sterben; brechen; werden; verkaufen; gehen; fahren; fliegen; laufen; kriechen; reiten
n. Gang; Weggang; Tod; Ausgang; Bewegung
adj. funktionierend; existierend; üblich


İngilizce Going kelimesinin İtalyanca karşılığı.
s. partenza; andatura; condizione del terreno; progresso, passo avanti
agg. funzionante, efficiente; (Comm) avviato, fiorente; disponibile; corrente, prevalente


İngilizce Going kelimesinin Portekizce karşılığı.
s. ida, partida; saída; andar, passo; andamento
adj. existente; bem sucedido


i. gidiş, gitme, yol durumu, tempo, gidişat
s. giden, işleyen, başarılı (iş), satılan (mal)


İngilizce Going kelimesinin Flemenkçe karşılığı.
zn. gaan; weggaan; sterven; uitgang; beweging
bn. gaande; bestaande; succesvol


n. walking; departing; dying; exiting; movement; progress
adj. existing; thriving, succeeding; operating, working; current; common

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