

1. anlamı gotik. got'lara ait. grotesk. barbar. korku. gotik tarz. got dili. grotesk.
2. anlamı gotik.
3. anlamı gotik. gotik tarzi. gotik yazi.


Gothic İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı

Gothic anlamları

  1. (noun) The language of the Goths; especially, the language of that part of the Visigoths who settled in Moesia in the 4th century. See Goth.
  2. (noun) The style described in Gothic, a., 2.
  3. (noun) A kind of square-cut type, with no hair lines.
  4. (a.) Of or pertaining to a style of architecture with pointed arches, steep roofs, windows large in proportion to the wall spaces, and, generally, great height in proportion to the other dimensions -- prevalent in Western Europe from about 1200 to 1475 a. d. See Illust. of Abacus, and Capital.
  5. (a.) Pertaining to the Goths; as, Gothic customs; also, rude; barbarous.

Gothic tanım:

Kelime: Goth·ic
Söyleniş: 'gä-thik
İşlev: adjective
1 a : of, relating to, or resembling the Goths , their civilization, or their language b : TEUTONIC, GERMANIC c : MEDIEVAL d : UNCOUTH, BARBAROUS
2 a : of, relating to, or having the characteristics of a style of architecture developed in northern France and spreading through western Europe from the middle of the 12th century to the early 16th century that is characterized by the converging of weights and strains at isolated points upon slender vertical piers and counterbalancing buttresses and by pointed arches and vaulting b : of or relating to an architectural style reflecting the influence of the medieval Gothic
3 often not capitalized : of or relating to a style of fiction characterized by the use of desolate or remote settings and macabre, mysterious, or violent incidents
- goth·i·cal·ly /-thi-k(&-)lE/ adverb
- Goth·ic·ness /-thik-n&s/ noun

Gothic ile eşanlamlı (synonym) kelimeler

Black letter, Mediaeval, Medieval,


İngilizce Gothic kelimesinin İspanyolca karşılığı.
adj. gótico


İngilizce Gothic kelimesinin Fransızca karşılığı.
adj. médiéval; gothique (style); style d'architecture; style d'écriture; barbare


İngilizce Gothic kelimesinin Almanca karşılığı.
[gothic] n. gotische Stilart; Gotik, ausgestorbene germannische Sprache adj. gothisch, sich auf die Goten und ihre Sprache beziehend; sich auf die mittelalterliche architektonische Stilrichtung beziehend; barbarisch; mittelalterlich


İngilizce Gothic kelimesinin İtalyanca karşılığı.
agg. (Stor) gotico, dei goti, goto; (fig) barbaro, incivile


İngilizce Gothic kelimesinin Portekizce karşılığı.
adj. gótico; (do estilo) gótico (na imprensa, na arquitetura e etc.); bárbaro; sem cultura


s. Gotik, Got'lara ait, Barbar


İngilizce Gothic kelimesinin Flemenkçe karşılığı.
bn. gotisch (taal); gotisch (stijl van lettertype; stijl van architectuur; ed.); barbaars; niet cultureel


adj. of or pertaining to the Goths or their language; of or pertaining to a style of medieval architecture characterized by pointed arches and vaulting; of or pertaining to the artistic style of medieval northern Europe; medieval; barbaric

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