Grand Prix De Littérature Policière

Kısaca: Grand Prix de Littí©rature Policií¨re Yazar ve edebiyat eleştirmeni Maurice-Bernard Endrí¨be tarafından 1948 senesinde verilmeye başlayan Fransız polisiye edebiyat ödülü. Fransa`da suç ve polisiye romanlarına verilen en prestijli ödüldür. Her sene, yıl içinde yayımlanmış en iyi Fransızca ve en iyi uluslarası suç romanlarına verilmektedir. ...devamı ☟

Grand Prix de Littí©rature Policií¨re Yazar ve edebiyat eleştirmeni Maurice-Bernard Endrí¨be tarafından 1948 senesinde verilmeye başlayan Fransız polisiye edebiyat ödülü. Fransa`da suç ve polisiye romanlarına verilen en prestijli ödüldür. Her sene, yıl içinde yayımlanmış en iyi Fransızca ve en iyi uluslarası suç romanlarına verilmektedir.

Fransızca Ödüller

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Yıl Kazanan Eser
1948 Lí©o Malet ``Le Cinquií¨me procí©dí©``
1949 Odette Sorensen ``La Parole est au mort``
1950 Gí©o-Charles Ví©ran ``Jeux pour mourir``
1951 Jacques Decrest ``Fumí©es sans feu``
Germaine Decrest
1952 Andrí© Piljean ``Passons la monnaie``
1953 Jean-Pierre Conty ``Opí©ration Odyssí©e``
1954 François Brigneau ``La Beautí© qui meurt``
1955 Gilles-Maurice Dumoulin ``Assassin mon frí¨re``
1956 Michel Lebrun ``Les Petites mains de la Justice``
Guy Venayre ``Pleins feux sur Sylvie``
1957 Frí©dí©ric Dard ``Le Bourreau pleure``
1958 Fred Kassak ``On n`enterre pas le dimanche``
1959 Paul Gerrard ``Deuil en rouge``
1960 Hubert Monteilhet ``Les Mantes religieuses``
1962 Pierre Forquin ``Le Procí¨s du Diable``
1963 Sí©bastien Japrisot ``Pií¨ge pour Cendrillon``
1964 Michel Carnal ``La Jeune morte``
1965 Marc Delory ``Bateau en Espagne``
1966 Laurence Oriol ``L`interne de service``
1967 Jean-Pierre Alem ``Le Crocodile est dans l`escalier``
1968 Dominique Fabre ``Un beau monstre``
1969 Francis Ryck ``Drí´le by pistolet``
1970 Paul Andrí©ota ``Zigzags``
1971 Rení© Rí©ouven ``L`Assassin maladroit``
1972 Gilbert Tanugi ``Le Canal rouge``
1973 Jean-Patrick Manchette ``O Dingos, O Chateaux``
1974 Andrí©-Paul Duchateau ``De 5 í  7 avec la mort``
1975 Yvon Toussaint ``Un incident indí©pendant de notre volontí©``
1976 Jean-François Coatmeur ``Les Sirí¨nes de minuit``
1977 Christopher Diable ``La Plus longue course d`Abraham Coles, chauffeur de taxi``
1978 Madeleine Coudray ``Dí©nouement avant l`aube``
1979 Joseph Bialot ``Le Salon du prêt í  saigner``
1980 Dominique Roulet ``Le Crime d`Antoine``
1981 Pierre Siniac ``Reflets changeants sur mare de sang``
``L`Unijambiste de la cí´te 284``
``Aime le maudit``
1982 Jean-Pierre Cabannes ``L`Audience solennelle``
1983 Jean Mazarin ``Collabo song``
1984 Rení© Belletto ``Sur la terre comme au ciel``
1985 Didier Daeninckx ``Meurtres pour mí©moire``
1986 Christian Gernigon ``La queue du scorpion``
Gí©rard Delteil ``N`oubliez pas l`artiste``
1987 Jacques Sadoul ``Trois morts au soleil``
1988 Jean-Paul Demure ``Aix abrupto``
1989 Tito Topin ``Un gros besoin d`amour``
1990 Michel Quint ``Billard í  l`í©tage``
1991 Herví© Jaouen ``Hí´pital souterrain``
1992 Tonino Benacquista ``La Commedia des ratí©s``
1993 Paul Couturiau ``Boulevard des ombres``
1994 Jean-Jacques Fiechter ``Tirí© í  part``
1995 Philippe Huet ``La Main morte``
1996 Jean-Hugues Oppel ``Ambernave``
1997 Brigitte Aubert ``La Mort des bois``
1998 Serge Gardebled ``Sans homicide fixe``
1999 Laurent Bí©ní©gui ``La Paresse de Dieu``
2000 Pascal Dessaint ``Du bruit sous le silence``
2001 Michel Crespy ``Chasseurs de têtes``
2002 Patrick Pí©cherot ``Les Brouillards de la Butte``
2003 Laurent Martin ``L`Ivresse des dieux``
2004 Virginie Brac ``Double peine``
2005 Philippe Le Roy ``Le Testament de Dieu``
2006 Catherine Fradier ``La Colí¨re des enfants dí©chus``
2007 DOA DOA ``Citoyens clandestins``

Uluslararası Ödüller

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Yıl Kazanan Eser
1948 Frances Noyes Hart The Bellamy Trial
1949 Patrick Quentin Puzzle for Pilgrims
1950 Martha Albrand After Midnight
1951 Joel Townsley Rogers The Red Right Hand
1952 Patricia MacGerr Follow as the Night
1953 Geoffrey Holiday Hall The End is Known
Louis Malley Horns for the Devils
1954 Cornell Woolrich The Body in Grant`s Tomb (short story)
1955 Michael Gilbert Death in Captivity
1956 Joseph Arnold Hayes The Desperate Hours
Charles Williams Nothing in Her Way
1957 Patricia Highsmith The Talented Mr. Ripley
1958 Chester Himes The Five-Cornered Square (For Love of Imabelle; A Rage in Harlem)
1959 Donald Downes Orders to Kill
1960 Thomas Sterling The Evil of the Day
1961 Ödül verilmedi.
1962 Suzanne Blanc The Green Stone
1963 Shelley Smith The Ballad of the Running Man
1964 John D. MacDonald A Key to the Suite
1965 Nicolas Freeling Gun before Butter (A Question of Loyalty)
1966 Adam Hall The Berlin Memorandum (The Quiller Memorandum)
1967 Audrey Erskine Lindop I Start Counting
1968 Giorgio Scerbanenco Traditori di tutti
1969 Josephine Tey The Daughter of Time
John Dickson Carr Fire, Burn!
1970 Antonis Samarakis To Lathos
1971 Anders Bodelsen Hí¦ndeligt uheld
Dorothy Uhnak The Ledger
1972 Laird Koenig & Peter L. Dixon The Children Are Watching
1973 E. V. Cunningham Millie
1974 Stanley Ellin Mirror, Mirror, on the Wall
1975 Edward Boyd & Roger Parkes The Dark Number
1976 Eric Ambler Doctor Frigo
1977 Herbert H. Lieberman City of the Death
1978 Ellery Queen And on the Eighth Day
1979 Stanisław Lem Katar (The Chain of Chance)
1980 Mary Higgins Clark A Stranger is Watching
1981 Manuel Vázquez Montalbán Southern Seas
1982 John Crosby Party of the Year
1983 Frederick Forsyth No Comebacks
1984 Janwillem van de Wetering The Maine Massacre
1985 Peter Lovesey Swing, Swing Together
1986 Elmore Leonard City Primeval
1987 Tony Hillerman Dance Hall of the Dead
1988 P. D. James A Taste for Death
Andrew Vachss Strega
1989 Bill Pronzini Snowbound
1990 Elizabeth George A Great Deliverance
1991 Thomas Harris The Silence of the Lambs
1992 James Lee Burke Black Cherry Blues
1993 Arturo Pí©rez-Reverte The Flanders Panel
1994 Michael Dibdin Cabal
1995 Richard North Patterson Degree of Guilt
1996 Caleb Carr The Alienist
1997 Stuart Woods Imperfect Strangers
1998 Frances Fyfield Shadow Play
1999 Michael Connelly Blood Work
2000 Rennie Airth River of Darkness
2001 Peter Robinson In a Dry Season
2002 Peter Dickinson One Foot in the Grave
2003 Deon Meyer Dead before Dying
2004 John Katzenbach The Analyst
2005 Ian Rankin Dead Souls
2006 Larry Beinhart The Librarian
2007 Arnaldur Indrií°ason Voices


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