

1. anlamı türdeslik.
2. anlamı homoloji.


Homology İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı

Homology anlamları

  1. (noun) The quality of being homologous; correspondence; relation; as, the homologyof similar polygons.
  2. (noun) The correspondence or resemblance of substances belonging to the same type or series; a similarity of composition varying by a small, regular difference, and usually attended by a regular variation in physical properties; as, there is an homology between methane, CH4, ethane, C2H6, propane, C3H8, etc., all members of the paraffin series. In an extended sense, the term is applied to the relation between chemical elements of the same group; as, chlorine, bromine, and iodine are said to be in homology with each other. Cf. Heterology.
  3. (noun) Correspondence or relation in type of structure in contradistinction to similarity of function; as, the relation in structure between the leg and arm of a man; or that between the arm of a man, the fore leg of a horse, the wing of a bird, and the fin of a fish, all these organs being modifications of one type of structure.

Homology tanım:

Kelime: ho·mol·o·gy
Söyleniş: hO-'mä-l&-jE, h&-
İşlev: noun
Türleri: plural -gies
1 : a similarity often attributable to common origin
2 a : likeness in structure between parts of different organisms due to evolutionary differentiation from the same or a corresponding part of a remote ancestor -- compare ANALOGY b : correspondence in structure between different parts of the same individual
3 : similarity of nucleotide or amino-acid sequence in nucleic acids, peptides, or proteins
4 : a branch of the theory of topology concerned with partitioning space into geometric components (as points, lines, and triangles) and with the study of the number and interrelationships of these components especially by the use of group theory -- called also homology theory; compare COHOMOLOGY


İngilizce Homology kelimesinin İspanyolca karşılığı.
s. homología


İngilizce Homology kelimesinin Fransızca karşılığı.
n. homologie, analogie, ressemblance, similarité


İngilizce Homology kelimesinin Almanca karşılığı.
n. Homologie, Identität, Gleichheit, Anpassung


İngilizce Homology kelimesinin İtalyanca karşılığı.
s. (Biol, Mat, Filos) omologia


İngilizce Homology kelimesinin Portekizce karşılığı.
s. homologia




İngilizce Homology kelimesinin Flemenkçe karşılığı.
zn. homologie (overeenkomstigheid, gelijkwaardigheid, aanpassing)


n. analogy, likeness, equality, suitableness