1. anlamı i., f. ince bilegi taşı; ustura bilemeye mahsus taş; f. bilemek. ,bileğitaş,xyz bile. 2. anlamı (bıçak.kama.vb.) bilemek.
Hone İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı
Hone anlamları
(noun) A stone of a fine grit, or a slab, as of metal, covered with an abrading substance or powder, used for sharpening cutting instruments, and especially for setting razors; an oilstone.
(v. t.) To sharpen on, or with, a hone; to rub on a hone in order to sharpen; as, to hone a razor.
(v. i.) To pine; to lament; to long.
(noun) A kind of swelling in the cheek.
(v. i.) To grumble; pine; lament; long.
Hone tanım:
Kelime: hone Söyleniş:'hOn İşlev:noun Kökeni: Middle English, from Old English hAn stone; akin to Old Norse hein whetstone, Latin cot-, cos, Sanskrit sisAti he whets : WHETSTONE