

İngilizce hour kelimesinin İspanyolca karşılığı.
s. hora, sesenta minutos


İngilizce hour kelimesinin Fransızca karşılığı.
n. heure, unité de temps équivalente à 60 minutes; certain temps dans la journée, moment, instant


İngilizce hour kelimesinin Almanca karşılığı.
n. Stunde; Zeit; bestimmte Uhrzeit


İngilizce hour kelimesinin İtalyanca karşılığı.
s. ora; periodo; (fig) giorno, momento; (am; Scol) ora di frequenza; (Rad, TV) rubrica


İngilizce hour kelimesinin Portekizce karşılığı.
s. hora; tempo


i. saat, zaman, vakit


İngilizce hour kelimesinin Flemenkçe karşılığı.
zn. uur; tijdstip


n. unit of time equal to 60 minutes; certain time of day

Etymology : Middle English, from Old French heure, from Late Latin and Latin; Late Latin hora canonical hour, from Latin, hour of the day, from Greek hOra; more at YEAR
Pronunciation : au(-&)r
Function : noun
Date : 13th century

1. unit of time equal to 60 minutes; certain time of day. hour\hour\ , n. [oe. hour, our, hore, ure, of. hore, ore, ure, f. heure, l. hora, fr. gr. , orig., a definite space of time, fixed by natural laws; hence, a season, the time of the day, an hour. see: year, and cf. horologe, horoscope.].
2. the twenty-fourth part of a day; sixty minutes.
3. the time of the day, as expressed in hours and minutes, and indicated by a timepiece; as, what is the hour? at what hour shall we meet?.
4. fixed or appointed time; conjuncture; a particular time or occasion; as, the hour of greatest peril; the man for the hour. woman, mine hour is not yet come. ii.
5. this is your hour, and the power of darkness.
6. 4. pl. (r. c. ch.) certain prayers to be repeated at stated times of the day, as matins and vespers.
7. a measure of distance traveled. vilvoorden, three hours from brussels. p. peters.
8. The twenty-fourth part of a day; sixty minutes.
9. The time of the day, as expressed in hours and minutes, and indicated by a timepiece; as, what is the hour? At what hour shall we meet? Fixed or appointed time; conjuncture; a particular time or occasion; as, the hour of greatest peril; the man for the hour.
10. Certain prayers to be repeated at stated times of the day, as matins and vespers.
11. A measure of distance traveled. distance measured by the time taken to cover it; "we live an hour from the airport"; "its just 10 minutes away" a period of time equal to 1/24th of a day; "the job will take more than an hour" clock time; "the hour is getting late" a special and memorable period; "it was their finest hour".
12. 1. An hour is a period of sixty minutes. They waited for about two hours I only slept about half an hour that night. a twenty-four hour strike.
13. emphasis People say that something takes or lasts hours to emphasize that it takes or lasts a very long time, or what seems like a very long time. Getting there would take hours.
14. A clock that strikes the hour strikes when it is exactly one o'clock, two o'clock, and so on.
15. You can refer to a particular time or moment as a particular hour. the hour of his execution = time.
16. If you refer, for example, to someone's hour of need or hour of happiness, you are referring to the time in their life when they are or were experiencing that condition or feeling. the darkest hour of my professional life.
17. You can refer to the period of time during which something happens or operates each day as the hours during which it happens or operates. the hours of darkness Phone us on this number during office hours.
18. If you refer to the hours involved in a job, you are talking about how long you spend each week doing it and when you do it. I worked quite irregular hours.
19. see: eleventh hour see lunch hour see rush hour.
20. If you do something after hours, you do it outside normal business hours or the time when you are usually at work. a local restaurant where steel workers unwind after hours see also: after-hours.
21. disapproval If you say that something happens at all hours of the day or night, you disapprove of it happening at the time that it does or as often as it does. She didn't want her fourteen-year-old daughter coming home at all hours of the morning.
22. If something happens in the early hours or in the small hours, it happens in the early morning after midnight. Gibbs was arrested in the early hours of yesterday morning.
23. If something happens on the hour, it happens every hour at, for example, nine o'clock, ten o'clock, and so on, and not at any number of minutes past an hour.
24. Something that happens out of hours happens at a time that is not during the usual hours of business or work. Teachers refused to run out of hours sports matches because they weren't being paid.