Hugo Kasırgası

Kısaca: Hugo Kasırgası 1989 Eylül ayında, Saffir-Simpson Kasırga Ölçeğine göre 5 şiddetinde; Guadeloupe, Montserrat, Porto Riko, St. Croix, Güney Karolina ve Kuzey Karolina'yı vuran ve 82 kişinin ölümüne ve 56.000 kişinin evsiz kalmasına neden olan kasırgadır. ...devamı ☟

Hugo Kasırgası
Hugo Kasırgası

Hugo Kasırgası 1989 Eylül ayında, Saffir-Simpson Kasırga Ölçeğine göre 5 şiddetinde; Guadeloupe,



Porto Riko


St. Croix

, Güney Karolina ve

Kuzey Karolina

'yı vuran ve 82 kişinin ölümüne ve 56.000 kişinin evsiz kalmasına neden olan kasırgadır. Hugo, Afrika'nın kıyılarından 9 Eylül'de ayrılan tropikal bir dalgadan köken aldı. Fırtına batı kıyılarını izleyip, 11'inde tropikal bir fırtınaya ve 13'ünde bir kasırgaya dönüştü ve Birleşik Devletler'e doğru yol almaya başladı. İlk kez Güney Karolina'da 4 şiddetindeyken görüldü. Kasırga, ozamana kadar kaydedilmiş en yıkıcı kasırgalardan biri olan Frederic Kasırga'sını geçerek 10 milyar dolar hasara yol açmıştır. Hugo, üç yıl sonrasında Andrew Kasırgasınca geçilmiş, sonrasında ise 2005'de meydana gelen Katrina Kasırgası da bunları sollamıştır. Fırtınanın kaynağı Hugo'nun kaynağı 9 Eylül'de Afrika kıyılarını terkeden fırtınaların toplanmasıyla oluşan bir kümeydi. Hugo, batı kıyılarını izlerken durmadan güçlenerek 11'inde tropikal bir fırtınaya ve 13'ünde kasırgaya dönüştü. Hugo, şiddetli zirvesine

Porto Riko

'nun batısından birkaç yüz mil uzaktayken ulaştı. daha kuzey/kuzeybatı yönüne doğru yöneldi ve bu sırada hala şiddetini arttırmaya devam ediyordu. 17'sinde Hugo'nun yönü Guadeloupe üzerindeydi. Bundan kısa süre sonra, Hugo kuzey/kuzey-batı yönünde hızlandı ve 19'unda

Porto Riko

'nun kuzeyinde konumlandı. Kuzey kıyılarını bir süre daha izlemeye başladı, Birleşik Devletler'e doğru yol alan alçak basınç sistemiyle ilişkilendilirilen bir yönde sonuçlandığında 21'inde Hugo Florida'nın doğusuna birkaç yüz mil kala konumlandı. |- ! Bölge || Ölen |- | Birleşik Devletler || 35 |- |

Porto Riko

|| 12 |- | Guadeloupe || 11 |- |


|| 1 |- | Virgin Adaları || 6 |- | Antigua ve Barbuda || 1 |- | Saint Kitts ve Nevis || 1 |- ! Toplam || 76 |} Hugo caused $7 billion (1989 USD) in damage in the mainland Birleşik Devletler. At the time it was the costliest hurricane in U.S. history, but was exceeded in 1992 by Hurricane Andrew, and by three other storms since then. It remains the sixth costliest hurricane in U.S. history. An additional $3 billion of damages was reported throughout the Caribbean. Therefore, total damages from the storm were $10 billion (1989 USD). Sources differ on the number of people killed by Hugo, with some citing the American Meteorological Society's figure of 49, and others claiming 56 deaths . Some government agency sources claim only 32 deaths in the United States.


Severe damage was reported throughout the islands of the Caribbean. The storm caused an estimated $3 billion (1989 US dollars) in damages in the Caribbean (including $1 billion in Puerto Rico and the USVI.)

St. Croix

There was massive looting and unrest, prompting President George H.W. Bush to send troops to

St. Croix

in Operation Hawkeye. It also resulted in the first operational deployment of the National Disaster Medical System (NDMS), when the New Mexico-1 Disaster Medical Assistance Team (DMAT)was deployed to assist in medical care needs of the stricken island.


90% of all structures were destroyed in the British overseas territory, including the island's hospital and virtually all the homes of its 12,000 residents. Tourism and agriculture were also severely hit. Total damage was estimated at $100–300 million dollars (1989 USD); the island became reliant on aid as a result. Additionally, the local bat population was devastated, with an estimated 90% decrease in numbers following Hugo's passage. The species Chiroderma improvisum has not been seen on


since, and it is feared that it may be extinct on the island.

Porto Riko

Damage in Puerto Rico was severe, especially in the eastern part of the island. The agricultural sector was devastated, with the banana and coffee crops being almost completely wiped out. Heavy rains caused severe flooding in the vicinity of San Juan; in addition, several roads and bridges were washed away. In all, 12 deaths in Puerto Rico are attributed to Hugo, six of which occurred in the southern city of Guayama where some residents were electrocuted by downed power lines. Nearly 28,000 people were left homeless by the storm.

Kuzey Karolina

By the time it reached Charlotte,

Kuzey Karolina

, Hugo was still a Category 1 hurricane and was still strong enough to topple many trees across roads and houses leaving many without power, closing schools for as long as two weeks, and spawning several tornadoes. The storm took Charlotte by surprise; the city is 200 miles (320km) inland and is frequently a stopover for people fleeing from the coast. Damage to trees was reported across much of western North Carolina. North Carolina's coastline also suffered significant damage along its southward-facing beaches, including Brunswick County and the Outer Banks. In all, twenty-nine counties in North Carolina were declared federal disaster areas, with damages in that state alone estimated at $1 billion (1989 US dollars).


The last death caused by the storm was in East Aurora, New York near Buffalo when the winds toppled a tree onto a motorist. Aftermath

Red Cross response

Extensive relief aid was provided throughout by The Salvation Army, the Red Cross and various churches.

St. Croix

On the island of

St. Croix

, looting and lawlessness reigned in the aftermath of Hugo. Phone lines, power lines, hospitals, banks, the airport and 90% of all structures were severely damaged or destroyed. Three days after the storm hit, the governor of the Virgin Islands asked United States President George H. W. Bush for federal assistance in restoring order to the island. On September 20, members of the XVIII Airborne "Contingency Corps" were dispatched to the island as part of Operation Hawkeye. Military police patrolled the island for two months, imposing a dusk-to-dawn curfew. Cargo planes brought in food, water, mobile hospital units, and other supplies while offering free evacuation flights for anyone wanting to leave for the mainland.

Ekonomik etkisi

After the storm, Governor Carroll Campbell said that the storm destroyed enough timber in Güney Karolina to frame a home for every family in the state of Batı Virjinya.

FEMA kritiği

In South Carolina, which bore the brunt of the storm, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) was slow in responding. Senator Fritz Hollings referred to them as "a bunch of bureaucratic jackasses" during a speech on the floor of the United States Senate. An investigation was launched, which led to some reforms in FEMA procedures that helped the agency do a somewhat better job during Andrew, the next catastrophic hurricane to strike the Birleşik Devletler. However, FEMA was criticized severely in 2005 for its similarly insufficient response to Hurricane Katrina, while private relief agencies and corporations such as Wal-Mart were praised for their prompt and comprehensive response to the disaster. FEMA's relevancy was questioned in Katrina's aftermath.


Due to the extensive damage, the name Hugo was retired following this storm, and will never again be used for an Atlantic hurricane. It was replaced with Humberto in the 1995 season. Popüler kültürde This disaster was included as one of several different disaster scenarios in the 1993 video game SimCity 2000. Kaynaklar Dış bağlantılar * 1989 NHC Hugo Raporu * 1994 NAS/NRC Hugo Raporu * Hugo *



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