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Hung İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı
Hung anlamları
- () of Hang
- () imp. & p. p. of Hang.
Hung tanım:
Kelime: hang
Söyleniş: 'ha[ng]
İşlev: verb
Türleri: hung

Kökeni: partly from Middle English hon, from Old English hOn, v.t.; partly from Middle English hangen, from Old English hangian, v.i. & v.t.; both akin to Old High German hAhan, v.t., to hang, hangEn, v.i. -- more at CUNCTATION
transitive senses
1 a : to fasten to some elevated point without support from below : SUSPEND b : to suspend by the neck until dead -- often hanged in the past; often used as a mild oath I'll be hanged c : to fasten so as to allow free motion within given limits upon a point of suspension hang a door d : to adjust the hem of (a skirt) so as to hang evenly and at a proper height
2 : to furnish with hanging decorations (as flags or bunting)
3 : to hold or bear in a suspended or inclined manner hung his head in shame
4 : to apply to a wall hang wallpaper
5 : to display (pictures) in a gallery
6 : to throw (as a curveball) so that it fails to break properly
7 : to make (a turn) especially while driving hang a right hung a quick U-turn -- Tom Clancy
intransitive senses
1 a : to remain suspended or fastened to some point above without support from below : DANGLE b : to die by hanging -- often hanged in the past he hanged for his crimes
2 : to remain poised or stationary in the air clouds hanging low overhead
4 : to be imminent : IMPEND doom hung over the nation
5 : to fall or droop from a usually tense or taut position
6 : DEPEND election hangs on one vote
7 a (1) : to take hold for support : CLING she hung on his arm (2) : to keep persistent contact dogs hung to the trail b : to be burdensome or oppressive time hangs on his hands
8 : to be uncertain or in suspense the decision is still hanging
9 : to lean, incline, or jut over or downward
10 : to be in a state of rapt attention hung on her every word
11 : to fit or fall from the figure in easy lines the coat hangs loosely
12 of a thrown ball : to fail to break or drop as intended
- hang·able

- hang fire 1 : to be slow in the explosion of a charge after its primer has been discharged 2 : DELAY, HESITATE 3 : to remain unsettled or unresolved
- hang it up : to cease an activity or effort
- hang loose : to remain calm or relaxed
- hang one on 1 : to inflict a blow on 2 slang : to get very drunk
- hang one's hat : to situate oneself in (as a residence or place of employment)
- hang tough : to remain resolute in the face of adversity : HANG IN
usage For both transitive and intransitive senses 1b the past and past participle hung, as well as hanged, is standard. Hanged is most appropriate for official executions he was to be hanged, cut down whilst still alive ... and his bowels torn out -- Louis Allen but hung is also used gave orders that she should be hung -- Peter Quennell . Hung is more appropriate for less formal hangings by morning I'll be hung in effigy -- Ronald Reagan .
İngilizce Hung kelimesinin İspanyolca karşılığı.adj. colgado, suspendido; adjunto, anexado, ligado; ejecutado en la horca colgado de una soga por el cuello; incapaz de llegar a una decisión unánime (respecto a un jurado); trabado, obstruido, atollado (respecto a una computadora); que tiene un pene grande (jerga, vulgar)
İngilizce Hung kelimesinin Fransızca karşılığı.adj. suspendu, attaché; exécuté par strangulation; bloqué (informatique)
İngilizce Hung kelimesinin Almanca karşılığı.[hang] v. hängen; einhängen; abhängen lassen; kleben; (Comput) "stecken" bleiben, aufhören zu arbeiten adj. herabhängend; angebracht; durch Hängen exekutiert; unfähig eine einstimmige Entscheidung zu treffen (über Geschworene); feststeckend (über Computer); einen Großen Penis habend (vulgärer Slang)
İngilizce Hung kelimesinin İtalyanca karşılığı.agg. appeso, sospeso; giustiziato tramite impiccagione; incapace di raggiungere una decisione unanime (di giuria); bloccato (di computer); che ha un pene di grandi proporzioni (slang volgare)
İngilizce Hung kelimesinin Portekizce karşılığı.[hang] v. enforcar; ser enforcado; (informática) travar, parar de funcionar
[hang] f. asmak, takmak, sarkıtmak, kaplamak (duvar kâğıdı), ipe çekmek, sarkmak, asılı durmak, asılmak, bağlanmak, dayanmak, bağlı olmak, eğilmek, batmakHung
İngilizce Hung kelimesinin Flemenkçe karşılığı.[hang] ww. ophangen; afhankelijk zijn; (in computers) blijft steken; ophouden te werken
adj. suspended; attached; executed by suspending by the neck with a rope; unable to reach a unanimous decision (about a jury); stuck, locked up (about a computer); (Slang) having a large penis (vulgar)Sammo Hung Kam-Bo
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