Idealism İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı
Idealism anlamları
- (noun) Conception of the ideal; imagery.
- (noun) The quality or state of being ideal.
- (noun) The system or theory that denies the existence of material bodies, and teaches that we have no rational grounds to believe in the reality of anything but ideas and their relations.
- (noun) The practice or habit of giving or attributing ideal form or character to things; treatment of things in art or literature according to ideal standards or patterns; -- opposed to realism.
Idealism tanım:
Kelime: ide·al·ism
Söyleniş: I-'dE-(&-)"liz-&m, 'I-(")dE-
İşlev: noun
1 a (1) : a theory that ultimate reality lies in a realm transcending phenomena (2) : a theory that the essential nature of reality lies in consciousness or reason b (1) : a theory that only the perceptible is real (2) : a theory that only mental states or entities are knowable
2 a : the practice of forming ideals or living under their influence b : something that is idealized
3 : literary or artistic theory or practice that affirms the preeminent value of imagination as compared with faithful copying of nature -- compare REALISM