Impersonal İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı
Impersonal anlamları
- (noun) That which wants personality; specifically (Gram.), an impersonal verb.
- (a.) Not personal; not representing a person; not having personality.
Impersonal tanım:
Kelime: im·per·son·al
Söyleniş: (")im-'p&rs-n&l, -'p&r-s&n-&l
İşlev: adjective
Kökeni: Middle English, from Late Latin impersonalis, from Latin in- Late Latin personalis personal
1 a : denoting the verbal action of an unspecified agent and hence used with no expressed subject (as methinks) or with a merely formal subject (as rained in it rained) b of a pronoun : INDEFINITE
2 a : having no personal reference or connection impersonal criticism b : not engaging the human personality or emotions the machine as compared with the hand tool is an impersonal agency -- John Dewey c : not existing as a person : not having human qualities or characteristics
- im·per·son·al·i·ty

- im·per·son·al·ly