Impoverishment İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı
Impoverishment anlamları
- (noun) The act of impoverishing, or the state of being impoverished; reduction to poverty.
Impoverishment tanım:
Kelime: im·pov·er·ish
Söyleniş: im-'päv-rish, -'pä-v&-
İşlev: transitive verb
Kökeni: Middle English enpoverisen, from Middle French empovriss-, stem of empovrir, from en- povre poor -- more at POOR
1 : to make poor
2 : to deprive of strength, richness, or fertility by depleting or draining of something essential
synonym see DEPLETE
- im·pov·er·ish·er noun
- im·pov·er·ish·ment