

Inaugurating İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı

Inaugurating anlamları

  1. (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Inaugurate

Inaugurating tanım:

Kelime: in·au·gu·rate
Söyleniş: i-'no-gy&-"rAt, -g&-"rAt
İşlev: transitive verb
Türleri: -rat·ed; -rat·ing
Kökeni: Latin inauguratus, past participle of inaugurare, literally, to practice augury, from in- augurare to augur; from the rites connected with augury
1 : to induct into an office with suitable ceremonies
2 a : to dedicate ceremoniously : observe formally the beginning of b : to bring about the beginning of
synonym see BEGIN
- in·au·gu·ra·tor /-"rA-t&r/ noun