Incapableness İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı
Incapableness anlamları
- (noun) The quality or state of being incapable; incapability.
Incapableness tanım:
Kelime: in·ca·pa·ble
Söyleniş: (")in-'kA-p&-b&l
İşlev: adjective
Kökeni: Middle French, from in- capable capable
1 : lacking capacity, ability, or qualification for the purpose or end in view: as a archaic : not able to take in, hold, or keep b archaic : not receptive c : not being in a state or of a kind to admit : INSUSCEPTIBLE d : not able or fit for the doing or performance : INCOMPETENT
2 : lacking legal qualification or power (as by reason of mental incompetence) : DISQUALIFIED
- in·ca·pa·bil·i·ty

- in·ca·pa·ble·ness

- in·ca·pa·bly