Incredulous İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı
Incredulous anlamları
- (a.) Not credulous; indisposed to admit or accept that which is related as true, skeptical; unbelieving.
- (a.) Incredible; not easy to be believed.
- (a.) Indicating, or caused by, disbelief or incredulity.
Incredulous tanım:
Kelime: in·cred·u·lous
Söyleniş: (")in-'kre-j&-l&s, -dy&-l&s
İşlev: adjective
Kökeni: Latin incredulus, from in- credulus credulous
1 : unwilling to admit or accept what is offered as true : not credulous : SKEPTICAL
3 : expressing incredulity
- in·cred·u·lous·ly adverb
usage Sense 2 was revived in the 20th century after a couple of centuries of disuse. Although it is a sense with good literary precedent--among others Shakespeare used it--many people think it is a result of confusion with incredible, which is still the usual word in this sense.