Infamous İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı
Infamous anlamları
- (a.) Having a bad name as being the place where an odious crime was committed, or as being associated with something detestable; hence, unlucky; perilous; dangerous.
- (a.) Causing or producing infamy; deserving detestation; scandalous to the last degree; as, an infamous act; infamous vices; infamous corruption.
- (a.) Branded with infamy by conviction of a crime; as, at common law, an infamous person can not be a witness.
- (a.) Of very bad report; having a reputation of the worst kind; held in abhorrence; guilty of something that exposes to infamy; base; notoriously vile; detestable; as, an infamous traitor; an infamous perjurer.
Infamous tanım:
Kelime: in·fa·mous
Söyleniş: 'in-f&-m&s
İşlev: adjective
Kökeni: Middle English, from Latin infamis, from in- fama fame
1 : having a reputation of the worst kind
2 : causing or bringing infamy : DISGRACEFUL
3 : convicted of an offense bringing infamy
- in·fa·mous·ly adverb