Infect İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı
Infect anlamları
- (v. t.) To communicate to or affect with, as qualities or emotions, esp. bad qualities; to corrupt; to contaminate; to taint by the communication of anything noxious or pernicious.
- (v. t.) To affect with infectious disease; to communicate infection to; as, infected with the plague.
- (v. t.) To taint with morbid matter or any pestilential or noxious substance or effluvium by which disease is produced; as, to infect a lancet; to infect an apartment.
- (v. t.) To contaminate with illegality or to expose to penalty.
- (v. t.) Infected. Cf. Enfect.
Infect tanım:
Kelime: in·fect
Söyleniş: in-'fekt
İşlev: transitive verb
Kökeni: Middle English, from Latin infectus, past participle of inficere, from in- facere to make, do -- more at DO
1 : to contaminate with a disease-producing substance or agent (as bacteria)
2 a : to communicate a pathogen or a disease to b of a pathogenic organism : to invade (an individual or organ) usually by penetration c of a computer virus : to become transmitted and copied to (as a computer)
3 a : CONTAMINATE, CORRUPT the inflated writing that infects such stories b : to work upon or seize upon so as to induce sympathy, belief, or support trying to infect their salespeople with their enthusiasm
- in·fec·tor