İngiltere Hükümdarları Listesi

Mercia Hanedanı

``757 yılından itibaren Mercia Kralı olan Offa, 774 yılında ``İngiltere Kralı`` unvanını üstlenen ilk hükümdar oldu. Offa, İngiltere`nin resmi olarak birleşmesinden önce gelen kralların en güçlüsü oldu fakat bu güç ölümünden sonra devam etmedi.``
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Offa(``+OFFAa€¢REX+``)774-796 || || c.730 [email protected] URL son erişim tarihi 28 Aralık 2007Thingfrith`in oğlu || Cynethryth5 çocuk || 26 veya 29 Temmuz 796yaklaşık 66 yaşında

Wessex Hanedanı

``Liste geleneksel olarak 802 yılı itibariyle Wessex Kralı olan ve İngiltere`nin çoğunluğunu tahakküm eden (overlordship) ilk Wessex Kralı Egbert ile başlar. Burke`s Peerage & Gentry URL son erişim tarihi 7 Eylül 2007. Egbert, Mercialıları mağlup etti ve 829 yılında Bretwalda oldu. Kalıcı birleşme ancak 927 yılında, Athelstan`ın hükümdarlığında elde edilebildi.``
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Egbert(``Ecgberht``)829-839cite web |url= |başlı - Æthelbald, King of Wessex and others |erişimtarihi=24 Ekim 2007 || || c.775cite web |url= |başlık=King Egbert |erişimtarihi=24 Ekim 2007 Kentli Ealhmund`un oğlu || Redburga3 çocuk || 4 Şubat 839yaklaşık 64 yaşında
Ethelwulf(``í†í¾elwulf``)5 Şubat839-856 || || AachenEgbert ve Redburga`nın oğlu || (1) Osburga6 çocuk(2) Flandralı Judith1 Ekim 853çocuksuz || 13 Ocak 858yaşı bilinmiyor Burke`s Peerage & Gentry URL son erişim tarihi 7 Eylül 2007.
Ethelbald(``í†í¾elbald``)856-860 || || c.831Ethelwulf ve Osburga`nın oğlu || Flandralı Judithçocuksuz || 20 Aralık 860yaklaşık 29 yaşında Burke`s Peerage & Gentry URL son erişim tarihi 7 Eylül 2007.
Ethelbert(``í†í¾elberht``)21 Aralık860-866 || || c.835Ethelwulf ve Osburga`nın oğlu || bilinmiyor2 çocuk || 865yaklaşık 30 yaşında Burke`s Peerage & Gentry URL son erişim tarihi 7 Eylül 2007.
Ethelred(``í†í¾elrí¦d``)865-871 || || c.837Ethelwulf ve Osburga`nın oğlu || Wulfrida8682 çocuk || 23 April 871yaklaşık 34 yaşında Burke`s Peerage & Gentry URL son erişim tarihi 7 Eylül 2007.
Büyük Alfred(``í†lfrí¦d``)24 Nisan871-899 Alfred (the Great) @ URL son erişim tarihi 15 Mart 2007. || || c.849WantageEthelwulf ve Osburga`nın oğlu Catholic Encyclopedia: Alfred the Great. URL son erişim tarihi 14 Mart 2007. || EalhswithWinchester8686 çocuk Alfred the Great. URL son erişim tarihi 14 Mart 2007. || 26 October 899yaklaşık 50 yaşında
Büyük Edward(``Eadweard``)27 October899-924 EADWEARD (Edward the Elder) @ URL son erişim tarihi 15 Mart 2007. >| || c.871-877Büyük Alfred ve Ealhswith`in oğluThere are various references listing Edward the Elder`s birth as sometime in the 870s, being the second child of a marriage of 868. There are no sources listing his birth as after 877. : Edward the Elder. URL son erişim tarihi 15 March 2007. || (1) Ecgwynn8933 çocuk(2) Aelffaedc.90210 çocuk(3) Kentli Edgiva9054 çocuk English Monarchs - Kings and Queens of England - Edward the Elder. URL son erişim tarihi 21 Ocak 2007. || 17 July 924Farndon, Cheshireyaklaşık 50 yaşında
Elfward(``í†lfweard``)18 Temmuz -2 Ağustos 924 >| ``Elfward`ın bilinen resmi ya da madeni parası yok``|| c.902Büyük Edward ve Aelffaed`in oğlu || evlenmedi || 2 Ağustos 924yaklaşık 22 yaşında
Athelstan(``í†í¾elstan``)3 Ağustos924-939 Aethelstan @ URL son erişim tarihi 15 Mart 2007. >| || 895Büyük Edward ve Ecgwynn`in oğlu EBK: Aethelstan, King of the English. URL son erişim tarihi 15 Mart 2007. || evlenmedi || 27 Ekim 939yaklaşık 44 yaşında
I. Edmund(``Eadmund``)28 Ekim939-946 EADMUND (Edmund) @ URL son erişim tarihi 17 Mart 2007. >| || c.921Büyük Edward ve Kentli Edgiva`nın oğlu || (1) Elgiva3 çocuk(2) Damerhamlı í†thelflí¦d944çocuksuz English Monarchs - Kings and Queens of England - Edmund the Elder. URL son erişim tarihi 17 Mart 2007. || 26 Mayıs 946Pucklechurchyakaşık 25 yaşında (cinayet sonucu öldü)
Edred(``Eadred``)27 Mayıs946-955 EADRED (Edred) @ URL son erişim tarihi 17 Mart 2007. >| || c.923Büyük Edward ve Kentli Edgiva`nın oğlu EBK: Edred, King of England. URL son erişim tarihi 17 Mart 2007. || evlenmedi || 23 Kasım 955Fromeşık 32 yaşında BritRoyals - King Edred. URL son erişim tarihi 17 Mart 2007.
Adaletli Edwy(``Eadwig``)24 Kasım955-959 EADWIG (Edwy) @ URL son erişim tarihi 17 Mart 2007. >| || c.940I. Edmund ve Elgiva`nın oğlu Catholic Encyclopedia: Edwy. URL son erişim tarihi 17 Mart 2007. || Elgiva || 1 Ekim 959yaklaşık 19 yaşında
Barışçıl Edgar(``Eadgar``)2 Ekim959-975 EADGAR (Edgar the Peacemaker) @ URL son erişim tarihi 17 Mart 2007. >| || c.943WessexI. Edmund ve Elgiva`nın oğlu EBK: Edgar the Peacemaker, King of England. URL son erişim tarihi 17 Mart 2007. || (1) Ethelflaedc.9601 erkek çocuk(2) Wulfthryh1 kız çocuk(3) í†lfthrythc.9642 erkek çocuk || 8 Temmuz 975Winchesteryaklaşık 32 yaşında The Atheling. URL son erişim tarihi 17 Mart 2007.
Aziz Şehit Edward(``Eadweard``)9 Temmuz975-978 EADWEARD (Edward the Martyr) @ URL son erişim tarihi 17 March 2007. >| || c.962Barışçıl Edgar ve Ethelflaed`in oğlu EBK: Edward the Martyr, King of England. URL son erişim tarihi 17 March 2007. || evlenmedi || 18 Mart 978Corfe Kalesiyaklaşık 16 yaşında (suikast sonucu öldü)
Tedariksiz Ethelred(``í†í¾elrí¦d Unrí¦d``)19 Mart978-1016Ethelred the Unready was forced to go into exile in the summer of 1013, following Danish attacks, but was invited back following Sweyn Forkbeard`s death. AETHELRED (the Unready) @ URL son erişim tarihi 17 March 2007 >| || c.968Barışçıl Edgar and í†lfthryth`in oğlu Schoolnet Spartacus: Ethelred. URL son erişim tarihi 17 March 2007 || (1) Northumbrialı í†lflaed4 çocuk(2) Aelgifu9916 çocuk(3) Normandiyalı Emma10023 çocuk English Monarchs - Kings and Queens of England - Ethelred II, the Redeless. URL son erişim tarihi 17 March 2007 || 23 Nisan 1016Londrayaklaşık 48 yaşında
Edmund Ironside(``Eadmund``)24 Nisan –30 Kasım 1016 EADMUND (Edmund the Ironside) @ URL son erişim tarihi 17 Mart 2007 >| || c.993Tedariksiz Ethelred ve Northumbrialı í†lflaed`ın oğlu || Doğu Anglialı Edith2 çocuk English Monarchs - Kings and Queens of England - Edmund Ironside. URL son erişim tarihi 17 Mart 2007 || 30 Kasım 1016Glastonburyyaklaşık 23 yaşında

Danimarka Hanedanı

``England came under the rule of Danish kings following the disastrous reign of Ethelred the Unready. Some, though not all, of these were also kings of Denmark.``

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Sweyn Forkbeard(``Svend Tjugeskí¦g``)25 Aralıkcite web >url= |başlık=English Monarchs |erişimtarihi=27 Ekim 2007 1013-1014cite web |url= |başlık=Sweyn (Forkbeard) - |erişimtarihi=27 Ekim 2007 || || c.960DanimarkaHarald Bluetooth ve Gyrid Olafsdotti`nin oğlucite web |url= |başlı - Person Page 10242 |erişimtarihi=27 Ekim 2007 || (1) Polonyalı Gunhildac.9907 çocuk(2) Kibirli Sigridc.10001 kız çocuk || 3 Şubat 1014Gainsboroughşık 54 yaşında
Knud(``Knud``)1 Aralık1016-1035 CNUT (Canute) @ URL son erişim tarihi 21 Mart 2007. >| || c.995Sweyn Forkbeard`ın oğlu || (1) Northamptonlu Aelgifu2 çocuk(2) Normandiyalı Emma1017 || 12 Kasım 1035Shaftesburyyaklaşık 40 yaşında
Harold Harefoot(``Harald``)13 Kasım1035-1040Harold was only recognised as king north of the River Thames until 1037, after which he was recognised as king of all England. cite web >url= |başlık=Harold (Harefoot) - |erişimtarihi=27 Ekim 2007 || || c.1016/7Knud ve Northamptonlu Aelgifu`nun oğlu || Aelgifu1 erkek çocukcite web |url= |başlı - Person Page 10220 |erişimtarihi=27 Ekim 2007 || 17 Mart 1040Oxfordyaklaşık 23 veya 24 yaşında
Harthacanute(``Hardeknud``)18 Haziran1040-1042cite web >url= |başlık=Harthacnut - |erişimtarihi=28 Ekim 2007 || || 1018Knud ve Normandiyalı Emma`nın oğlu || bilinmiyor || 8 Haziran 1042Lambethyaklaşık 24 yaşında

House of Wessex (restored)

``The old West Saxon line was restored, but Edward the Confessor, who was later canonised, was more Norman than English in his sympathies.

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Saint Edward the Confessor(``Eadweard``)9 June1042-1066cite web >url= | - Person Page 10218 |accessdate=2007-10-26 || || c.1005Islip, Oxfordshireson of Ethelred the Unready and Emma of Normandy || Edith of Wessex23 January 1045no children || 5 January 1066Westminster Palaceaged about 60
Harold Godwinson(``Harold Godwinesson``)6 January –14 October 1066 >| || c.1020son of Godwin, Earl of Wessex and Gytha Thorkelsdóttir || (1) Edith Swan-neck6 children(2) Ealdgyth of MerciaYorkc.10641 son || 14 October 1066Hastingsaged about 46 (died in battle)
Edgar the Atheling(``Eadgar í†í¾eling``)15 October –17 December 1066After reigning for approximately 9 weeks, Edgar the Atheling submitted to William the Conqueror, who had gained control of the the area to the south and immediate west of London. cite web >url= |title=Eadgar (the í†theling) - |accessdate=2007-10-26 || ``No known image orcoin of Edgar exists``|| c.1053Hungaryson of Edward the Exile and Agathacite web |url= | - Person Page 9 |accessdate=2007-10-26 || unmarried || c.1125aged about 72

House of Normandy

``It was only after the Norman Conquest of 1066 that monarchs took regnal numbers in the French fashion, though the earlier custom of distinguishing monarchs by nicknames did not die out immediately.``

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William I the Conqueror(``Guillaume le Conquí©rantou le Batard``)25 December1066-1087cite web >url= | - Person Page 10203 |accessdate=2007-10-25 || || c.1027Falaise Castleson of Robert II, Duke of Normandy and Herleva || Matilda of FlandersCathedral of Notre Dame105310 children || 9 September 1087Priory of St. Gervaisaged about 60
William II Rufus(``Guillaume le Roux``)26 September1087-1100 >| || c.1060Normandyson of William the Conqueror and Matilda of Flanders || unmarried || 2 August 1100New Forestaged about 40
Henry I(``Henri Beauclerc``)5 August1100-1135cite web >url= | - Person Page 10204 |accessdate=2007-10-25 || || September 1068Selbyson of William the Conqueror and Matilda of Flanders || (1) Edith of ScotlandWestminster Abbey11 November 11004 children(2) Adeliza of LouvainWindsor Castle29 January 1121no children || 1 December 1135Saint-Denis-le-Fermontaged 67
Stephen(``í‰tienne de Blois``)22 December1135-1154cite web >url= |title=STEPHEN (of Blois) - |accessdate=2007-10-25 || || c.1096Bloisson of Stephen, Count of Blois and Adela of Normandy || Matilda of BoulogneWestminster11255 children || 25 October 1154Dover Castleaged about 58
Matilda(``Mathilde ouMaud l`Impí©ratrice``)7 April-1 November 1141Matilda ruled at the same time as Stephen, but her reign was disputed. cite web >url= | - Person Page 10204 |accessdate=2007-10-27 || || 7 February 1102Sutton Courtenayonly legitimate daughter of Henry I and Edith of Scotlandcite web |url= |title=MATILDA (the Empress) - |accessdate=2007-10-27 || (1) Henry V, Holy Roman EmperorMainz6 January 1114no children(2) Geoffrey V, Count of AnjouLe Mans Cathedral22 May 11284 children || 10 September 1167Abbey of the Notre Dame des Prí©saged 65

House of Plantagenet

``The early Plantagenets ruled many territories in France, and did not regard England as their primary home until after most of their French possessions were lost by King John. This long-lived dynasty is usually divided into three houses.``


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Henry II(``Henri Court-manteau``)19 December1154-1189cite web >url= | - Person Page 10202 |accessdate=2007-10-25 || || 5 March 1133Le Mansson of Geoffrey of Anjou and Matilda || Eleanor of AquitaineBordeaux Cathedral18 May 11528 children || 6 July 1189Chateau Chinonaged 56
Richard I the Lionheart(``Richard CÅ“ur de Lion``)3 September1189-1199 >| || 8 September 1157Beaumont Palaceson of Henry II and Eleanor of Aquitaine || Berengaria of NavarreLimassol12 May 1191no children || 6 April 1199Chalus 41
John Lackland(``Jean Sans Terre``)27 May1199-1216cite web >url= | - Person Page 10201 |accessdate=2007-10-25 || || 24 December 1167Beaumont Palaceson of Henry II and Eleanor of Aquitaine || (1) Isabel of GloucesterMarlborough Castle29 August 1189no children(2) Isabella of AngoulêmeBordeaux Cathedral24 August 12005 children || 19 October 1216Newark Castleaged 48
Henry III28 October1216-1272cite web >url= | - Person Page 10193 |accessdate=2007-10-25 || || 1 October 1207Winchester Castleson of John and Isabella of Angoulême || Eleanor of ProvenceCanterbury Cathedral14 January 12369 children || 16 November 1272Westminster Palaceaged 65
Edward I Longshanks20 November1272-1307cite web >url= | - Person Page 10191 |accessdate=2007-10-25 || || 17 June 1239Westminster Palaceson of Henry III and Eleanor of Provence || (1) Eleanor of CastileAbbey of Las Huelgas18 October 125417 children(2) Marguerite of France10 September 12993 children || 7 July 1307Burgh by Sandsaged 68
Edward II7 July 1307 –25 January 1327Edward II was officially deposed by Parliament on 25 January 1327, having been imprisoned on 16 November 1326. cite web >url= | - Person Page 10094 |accessdate=2007-10-25 || || 25 April 1284Caernarfon Castleson of Edward I and Eleanor of Castile || Isabella of FranceBoulogne Cathedral25 January 13085 children || 21 September 1327Berkeley Castleaged 43 (murdered)
Edward III25 January1327-1377cite web >url= | - Person Page 10188 |accessdate=2007-10-25 || || 13 November 1312Windsor Castleson of Edward II and Isabella of France || Philippa of HainaultYork Minster24 January 132814 children || 21 June 1377Sheen Palaceaged 64
Richard II21 June 1377 –29 September 1399Richard II was deposed, and became a prisoner of Henry Bolingbroke, who usurped the throne from the prior claims of the issue of his father John of Gaunt. cite web >url= | - Person Page 10206 |accessdate=2007-10-25 || || 6 January 1367Bordeauxson of Edward, the Black Prince and Joan of Kent || (1) Anne of Bohemia14 January 1382no children(2) Isabella of ValoisCalais4 November 1396no children || 6 January 1400Pontefract Castleaged 33

House of Lancaster

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Henry IV Bolingbroke30 September1399-1413cite web >url= | - Person Page 10187 |accessdate=2007-10-25 || || 3 April 1366/7Bolingbroke Castleson of John of Gaunt and Blanche of Lancaster || (1) Mary de BohunArundel Castle27 July 13807 children(2) Joanna of NavarreWinchester Cathedral7 February 1403no children || 20 March 1413Westminster Abbeyaged 45 or 46cite web |url= |title=HENRY IV - |accessdate=2007-10-25
Henry V20 March1413-1422 >| || 9 August 1387Monmouth Castleson of Henry IV and Mary de Bohun || Catherine of ValoisTroyes Cathedral2 June 14201 son || 31 August 1422Chateau de Vincennesaged 35
Henry VI31 August 1422– 4 March 146130 October 1470– 11 April 1471Edward IV usurped the throne in 1461 after years of civil war. Henry VI was restored for about five months in 1470 before being deposed again permanently. cite web >url= | - Person Page 10186 |accessdate=2007-10-25 || || 6 December 1421Windsor Castleson of Henry V and Catherine of Valois || Margaret of AnjouTitchfield Abbey22 April 14451 son || 21 May 1471Tower of Londonaged 49 (murdered)

House of York

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Edward IV4 March 1461 –3 October 147011 April1471-1483Edward was briefly deposed during his reign by Henry VI. cite web >url= | - Person Page 10164 |accessdate=2007-10-25 || || 28 April 1442Rouenson of Richard Plantagenet, 3rd Duke of York and Cecily Neville || Elizabeth WoodvilleGrafton Regis1 May 146410 children || 9 April 1483Westminster Palaceaged 40
Edward V9 April-25 June 1483Edward V was deposed by Richard III, who usurped the throne on the grounds that Edward was illegitimate. cite web >url= |title=EDWARD V - |accessdate=2007-10-25 || || 2 November 1470Westminsterson of Edward IV and Elizabeth Woodville || unmarried || c. 1483Londonaged about 12 (traditionally murdered)cite web |url= | - Person Page 10165 |accessdate=2007-10-25
Richard III26 June1483-1485cite web >url= |title=RICHARD III - |accessdate=2007-10-25 || || 2 October 1452Fotheringhay Castleson of Richard Plantagenet, 3rd Duke of York and Cecily Nevillecite web |url= | - Person Page 10163 |accessdate=2007-10-25 || Anne NevilleWestminster Abbey12 July 14721 son || 22 August 1485Bosworth Fieldaged 32 (killed in battle)

Tudor Hanedanı

``The Tudors were of partial Welsh ancestry, and in 1536 Wales was fully incorporated into the English state (having been under English control since 1284). With Henry VIII`s break from the Roman Catholic Church the monarch became the Supreme Head of the Church of England. Elizabeth I`s title became the Supreme Governor of the Church of England.

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VII. Henry22 Ağustos1485-1509cite web >url= |başlı - Person Page 10142 |erişimtarihi=25 Ekim 2007 || || 28 Ocak 1457Pembroke Castle Edmund Tudor ve Lady Margaret Beaufort`un oğlu || York`lu ElizabethWestminster Abbey18 Ocak 14868 çocuk || 21 Nisan 1509Richmond Palace52 yaşında
VIII. Henry21 Nisan1509-1547cite web >url= |başlı - Person Page 10148 |erişimtarihi=25 Ekim 2007 || || 28 Haziran 1491Greenwich PalaceHenry VII ve Elizabeth of York`un oğlu || (1) Aragon`lu CatherineGreenwich11 Haziran 15091 kız(2) Anne BoleynWestminster Palace25 Ocak 15331 kız(3) Jane SeymourWhitehall Palace30 Mayıs 15361 erkek(4) Anne of ClevesGreenwich Palace6 Ocak 1540(5) Catherine HowardHampton Court Palace28 Temmuz 1540(6) Catherine ParrHampton Court Palace12 Temmuz 1543 || 28 Ocak 1547Whitehall Palace55 yaşında
VI. Edward28 Ocak1547-1553cite web >url= |başlı - Person Page 10150 |erişimtarihi=2007-10-25 || || 12 Ekim 1537Hampton Court Palace Henry VIII ve Jane Seymour`un oğlu || evlenmedi || 6 Temmuz 1553Greenwich Palace15 yaşında
Jane(``"The Nine Days` Queen"``)10 Temmuz-19 Temmuz 1553Jane was deposed in favour of Mary Tudor. cite web >url= |başlı - Person Page 10152 |erişimtarihi=2007-10-25 || || Ekim 1537Bradgate Park Henry Grey, 1st Duke of Suffolk ve Lady Frances Brandon`ın kızı || Lord Guildford DudleyThe Strand21 Mayıs 1553 çocuksuzcite web |url= |başlık=Lady Jane Grey: Marriage |erişimtarihi=2007-10-25 || 12 Şubat 1554Londra Kulesi16 yaşında (beheaded)
I. Mary(``"Bloody Mary"``)19 July1553-1558 >| || 18 February 1516Greenwich PalaceHenry VIII ve Aragon`lu Catherine`in kızı || Philip II of SpainWinchester Cathedral25 Temmuz 1554çocuksuz || 17 Kasım 1558St. James`s Palace42 yaşında
I. Elizabeth(``"The Virgin Queen"``)17 Kasım1558-1603 >| || 7 Eylül 1533Greenwich Palace Henry VIII ve Anne Boleyn`in kızı || evlenmedi || 24 Mart 1603Richmond Palace69 yaşında

House of Stuart

``Following the death of Elizabeth I in 1603 without issue, the Scottish king, James VI, succeeded to the English throne as James I in what became known as the Union of the Crowns. In 1604 he adopted the title ``King of Great Britain``, although the two kingdoms remained separate.

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James I24 March1603-1625cite web >url= | - Person Page 10137 |accessdate=2007-10-25 || || 19 June 1566Edinburgh Castleson of Henry Stuart, Lord Darnley and Mary, Queen of Scots || Anne of DenmarkOslo23 November 15899 children || 27 March 1625Theobalds Houseaged 58
Charles I(``"Saint Charles the Martyr"``)27 March1625-1649cite web >url= | - Person Page 10138 |accessdate=2007-10-25 || || 19 November 1600Dunfermline Palaceson of James I and Anne of Denmark || Henrietta Maria of FranceSt Augustine`s Abbey13 June 16259 children || 30 January 1649Whitehall Palaceaged 48 (executed)


``There was no reigning monarch between the execution of Charles I in 1649 and the Restoration of Charles II in 1660. Despite this, from 1653 the following individuals held power as Lords Protector, during the period known as the Protectorate.``

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Oliver Cromwell16 December1653-1658cite web >url= |title=Oliver Cromwell 1599-1658 |accessdate=2007-10-25 || || 25 April 1599Huntingdonson of Robert Cromwell and Elizabeth Stewartcite web |url= |title=Oliver Cromwell - Faq 1 |accessdate=2007-10-25 || Elizabeth BourchierSt Gilescite web |url= |title=New Page 1 |accessdate=2007-10-25 22 August 16209 children || 3 September 1658Whitehallaged 59
Richard Cromwell(``"Tumbledown Dick"``)3 September 1658– 7 May 1659cite web >url= |title=Richard Cromwell, Lord Protector, 1626-1712 |accessdate=2007-10-25 || || 4 October 1626Huntingdonson of Oliver Cromwell and Elizabeth Bourchier || Dorothy MaijorMay 16499 children || 12 July 1712Cheshuntaged 85cite web |url= |title=CROMWELL, Richard - |accessdate=2007-10-25

House of Stuart (restored)

``Although the monarchy was restored in 1660, no stable settlement proved possible until the Glorious Revolution of 1688, when parliament finally asserted the right to choose whomsoever it pleased as monarch.``

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Charles II8 May1660-1685cite web >url= | - Person Page 10139 |accessdate=2007-10-25 || || 29 May 1630St. James`s Palaceson of Charles I and Henrietta Maria of France || Catherine of BraganzaPortsmouth21 May 16623 children (none survived infancy) || 6 February 1685Whitehall Palaceaged 54
James II6 February 1685 –23 December 1688cite web >url= | - Person Page 10136 |accessdate=2007-10-25 || || 14 October 1633St. James`s Palaceson of Charles I and Henrietta Maria of France || (1) Anne HydeThe Strand3 September 16608 children(2) Mary of ModenaDover21 November 16737 children || 16 September 1701Chateau de Saint-Germain-en-Layeaged 67
William III of Orange``(Willem Hendrik,Prins van Oranje)``13 February1689-1702cite web >url= | - Person Page 10141 |accessdate=2007-10-25 || || 4 November 1650The Hagueson of William II, Prince of Orange and Mary Stuartcite web |url= |title=WILLIAM III - |accessdate=2007-10-25 || rowspan=2 | St James`s Palace4 November 16773 children (none survived infancy) || 8 March 1702Kensington Palaceaged 51
Mary II13 February1689-1694 >| || 30 April 1662St James`s Palacedaughter of James II and Anne Hyde || 28 December 1694Kensington Palaceaged 32
Anne 8 March1702-1707cite web >url= |title=Anne (England) - |accessdate=2007-10-25 Great Britain1 May 1707-1714 || || 6 February 1665St James`s Palacedaughter of James II and Anne Hydecite web |url= | - Person Page 10134 |accessdate=2007-10-25 || George of DenmarkSt James`s Palace28 July 168317 children || 1 August 1714Kensington Palaceaged 49

``England and Scotland entered into legislative and governmental union on 1 May 1707 under the Acts of Union 1707, though retained separate legal systems and other attributes thereafter. For the continuation of this list, therefore, go to List of British monarchs.``

Notlar ve kaynaklar



Britanya hükümdarları listesi
3 yıl önce

Krallığı (1927-günümüze) hükümdarlarının listesidir. İngiltere hükümdarları listesi ve İskoçya hükümdarları listesinin devamıdır. İngiltere ve İskoçya 1 Mayıs...

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Plantagenet Hanedanı
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