Mercia Hanedanı
``757 yılından itibaren Mercia Kralı olan Offa, 774 yılında ``İngiltere Kralı`` unvanını üstlenen ilk hükümdar oldu. Offa, İngiltere`nin resmi olarak birleşmesinden önce gelen kralların en güçlüsü oldu fakat bu güç ölümünden sonra devam etmedi.``Hükümdar !! width=105px | Portre !! Doğumu !! width=25% | Evliliği !! width=19% | Ölümü |
Offa(``+OFFAa€¢REX+``)774-796 || || c.730 [email protected] URL son erişim tarihi 28 Aralık 2007Thingfrith`in oğlu || Cynethryth5 çocuk || 26 veya 29 Temmuz 796yaklaşık 66 yaşında |
Wessex Hanedanı
``Liste geleneksel olarak 802 yılı itibariyle Wessex Kralı olan ve İngiltere`nin çoğunluğunu tahakküm eden (overlordship) ilk Wessex Kralı Egbert ile başlar. Burke`s Peerage & Gentry URL son erişim tarihi 7 Eylül 2007. Egbert, Mercialıları mağlup etti ve 829 yılında Bretwalda oldu. Kalıcı birleşme ancak 927 yılında, Athelstan`ın hükümdarlığında elde edilebildi.``Danimarka Hanedanı
``England came under the rule of Danish kings following the disastrous reign of Ethelred the Unready. Some, though not all, of these were also kings of Denmark.``House of Wessex (restored)
``The old West Saxon line was restored, but Edward the Confessor, who was later canonised, was more Norman than English in his sympathies.
House of Normandy
``It was only after the Norman Conquest of 1066 that monarchs took regnal numbers in the French fashion, though the earlier custom of distinguishing monarchs by nicknames did not die out immediately.``
House of Plantagenet
``The early Plantagenets ruled many territories in France, and did not regard England as their primary home until after most of their French possessions were lost by King John. This long-lived dynasty is usually divided into three houses.``
House of Lancaster
House of York
Tudor Hanedanı
``The Tudors were of partial Welsh ancestry, and in 1536 Wales was fully incorporated into the English state (having been under English control since 1284). With Henry VIII`s break from the Roman Catholic Church the monarch became the Supreme Head of the Church of England. Elizabeth I`s title became the Supreme Governor of the Church of England.
House of Stuart
``Following the death of Elizabeth I in 1603 without issue, the Scottish king, James VI, succeeded to the English throne as James I in what became known as the Union of the Crowns. In 1604 he adopted the title ``King of Great Britain``, although the two kingdoms remained separate.
Hükümdar !! width=105px | Portre !! Doğumu !! width=25% | Evliliği !! width=19% | Ölümü |
James I24 March1603-1625cite web >url= | - Person Page 10137 |accessdate=2007-10-25 || || 19 June 1566Edinburgh Castleson of Henry Stuart, Lord Darnley and Mary, Queen of Scots || Anne of DenmarkOslo23 November 15899 children || 27 March 1625Theobalds Houseaged 58 |
Charles I(``"Saint Charles the Martyr"``)27 March1625-1649cite web >url= | - Person Page 10138 |accessdate=2007-10-25 || || 19 November 1600Dunfermline Palaceson of James I and Anne of Denmark || Henrietta Maria of FranceSt Augustine`s Abbey13 June 16259 children || 30 January 1649Whitehall Palaceaged 48 (executed) |
``There was no reigning monarch between the execution of Charles I in 1649 and the Restoration of Charles II in 1660. Despite this, from 1653 the following individuals held power as Lords Protector, during the period known as the Protectorate.``
House of Stuart (restored)
``Although the monarchy was restored in 1660, no stable settlement proved possible until the Glorious Revolution of 1688, when parliament finally asserted the right to choose whomsoever it pleased as monarch.``
``England and Scotland entered into legislative and governmental union on 1 May 1707 under the Acts of Union 1707, though retained separate legal systems and other attributes thereafter. For the continuation of this list, therefore, go to List of British monarchs.``