(v. t.) To thicken or bring to greater consistence, as fluids by evaporation.
Inspissate tanım:
Kelime: in·spis·sate Söyleniş:in-'spi-"sAt, 'in(t)-sp&-"sAt İşlev:transitive verb Türleri:-sat·ed; -sat·ing Kökeni: Late Latin inspissatus, past participle of inspissare, from Latin in- spissus slow, dense; akin to Greek spidnos compact, Lithuanian spisti to form a swarm : to make thick or thicker - in·spis·sa·tion /"in(t)-sp&-'sA-sh&n, (")in-"spi-'sA-/ noun - in·spis·sa·tor /in-'spi-"sA-t&r, 'in(t)-sp&-"sA-/ noun