Instinct İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı
Instinct anlamları
- (a.) Urged or stimulated from within; naturally moved or impelled; imbued; animated; alive; quick; as, birds instinct with life.
- (a.) A natural aptitude or knack; a predilection; as, an instinct for order; to be modest by instinct.
- (a.) Natural inward impulse; unconscious, involuntary, or unreasoning prompting to any mode of action, whether bodily, or mental, without a distinct apprehension of the end or object to be accomplished.
- (a.) Specif., the natural, unreasoning, impulse by which an animal is guided to the performance of any action, without of improvement in the method.
- (v. t.) To impress, as an animating power, or instinct.
Instinct tanım:
Kelime: in·stinct
Söyleniş: 'in-"sti[ng](k)t
İşlev: noun
Kökeni: Middle English, from Latin instinctus impulse, from instinguere to incite; akin to Latin instigare to instigate
1 : a natural or inherent aptitude, impulse, or capacity had an instinct for the right word
2 a : a largely inheritable and unalterable tendency of an organism to make a complex and specific response to environmental stimuli without involving reason b : behavior that is mediated by reactions below the conscious level
- in·stinc·tu·al

- in·stinc·tu·al·ly adverb