Intemperateness İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı
Intemperateness anlamları
- (noun) Severity of weather; inclemency.
- (noun) The state of being intemperate; excessive indulgence of any appetite or passion; as, intemperateness in eating or drinking.
Intemperateness tanım:
Kelime: in·tem·per·ate
Söyleniş: -p(&-)r&t
İşlev: adjective
Kökeni: Middle English intemperat, from Latin intemperatus, from in- temperatus, past participle of temperare to temper
: not temperate intemperate criticism ; especially : given to excessive use of intoxicating liquors
- in·tem·per·ate·ly adverb
- in·tem·per·ate·ness noun