Intervene İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı
Intervene anlamları
- (noun) A coming between; intervention; meeting.
- (v. t.) To come between.
- (v. i.) To come between, or to be between, persons or things; -- followed by between; as, the Mediterranean intervenes between Europe and Africa.
- (v. i.) In a suit to which one has not been made a party, to put forward a defense of one's interest in the subject matter.
- (v. i.) To occur, fall, or come between, points of time, or events; as, an instant intervened between the flash and the report; nothing intervened ( i. e., between the intention and the execution) to prevent the undertaking.
- (v. i.) To interpose; as, to intervene to settle a quarrel.
Intervene tanım:
Kelime: in·ter·vene
Söyleniş: "in-t&r-'vEn
İşlev: intransitive verb
Türleri: -vened; -ven·ing
Kökeni: Latin intervenire to come between, from inter- venire to come -- more at COME
1 : to occur, fall, or come between points of time or events
2 : to enter or appear as an irrelevant or extraneous feature or circumstance
3 : to come in or between by way of hindrance or modification intervene to stop a fight
4 : to occur or lie between two things
5 a : to become a third party to a legal proceeding begun by others for the protection of an alleged interest b : to interfere usually by force or threat of force in another nation's internal affairs especially to compel or prevent an action
synonym see INTERPOSE
- in·ter·ven·tion