Intoxication İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı
Intoxication anlamları
- (noun) The state of being intoxicated or drunk; inebriation; ebriety; drunkenness; the act of intoxicating or making drunk.
- (noun) A high excitement of mind; an elation which rises to enthusiasm, frenzy, or madness.
- (noun) A poisoning, as by a spirituous or a narcotic substance.
Intoxication tanım:
Kelime: in·tox·i·ca·tion
Söyleniş: in-"täk-s&-'kA-sh&n
İşlev: noun
1 : an abnormal state that is essentially a poisoning intestinal intoxication
2 a : the condition of being drunk : INEBRIATION b : a strong excitement or elation