

İngilizce jaboticaba kelimesinin İspanyolca karşılığı.
s. jaboticaba, pequeño árbol tropical siempreverde de la familia del mirto nativo de Brasil; fruto tropical púrpura parecido a una uva (de piel dura) que crece directamente sobre el tronco y las ramas del árbol jaboticaba


İngilizce jaboticaba kelimesinin Fransızca karşılığı.
n. jaboticaba, petit arbre tropical de la famile des mytes originaire du Brésil; fruit tropical de couleur violette ressemblant au raisin provenant de l'arbre de jaboticaba et qui se consomme tel quel


İngilizce jaboticaba kelimesinin Almanca karşılığı.
n. Jaboticaba, kleiner immergrüner Baum der Myrte Familie in Brasilien wachsend; lila farbene tropische Frucht direkt am Stamm des Jaboticaba Baumes wachsend


İngilizce jaboticaba kelimesinin İtalyanca karşılığı.
s. jaboticaba, piccolo albero sempreverde tropicale della famiglia del mirto originaria del Brasile; frutto simile all'uva e di colore purpureo che cresce direttamente sul tronco e sui rami dell'albero jaboticaba (bot.)


İngilizce jaboticaba kelimesinin Portekizce karşılığı.
s. jabuticaba, tipo de árvore frutífera nativa do Brasil


Fransızca jaboticaba kelimesinin İngilizce karşılığı.
(m) n. jaboticaba, small evergreen tropical tree of the myrtle family native to Brazil; purple tropical grape-like fruit (having a tough skin), that grows directly on the trunk and branches of the jaboticaba tree


Portekizce jaboticaba kelimesinin İngilizce karşılığı.
(f) n. jaboticaba, small evergreen tropical tree of the myrtle family native to Brazil


n. small evergreen tropical tree of the myrtle family native to Brazil; purple tropical grape-like fruit (having a tough skin) that grows directly on the trunk and branches of the jaboticaba tree n. jaboticaba, small evergreen tropical tree of the myrtle family native to Brazil; purple tropical grape-like fruit (having a tough skin), that grows directly on the trunk and branches of the jaboticaba tree n. jaboticaba, small evergreen tropical tree of the myrtle family native to Brazil