Jaska Raatikainen

Kısaca: Jaska Raatikainen (d. 18 Temmuz 1979), Fin melodik death metal grubu Children of Bodom'un bateristi. ...devamı ☟

Jaska Raatikainen (d. 18 Temmuz 1979), Fin melodik death metal grubu Children of Bodom'un bateristi.


Pearl Reference Redline - Piano Black with Black Chrome Hardware *8"x8" Tom Tom *10"x8" Tom Tom *12"x9" Tom Tom *14"x12" Floor Tom *16"x16" Floor Tom *22"x18" Bass Drum x 2 *14"x5" Snare ;Ziller *14" Meinl Byzance Traditional Heavy Hi-Hat x2 (iki yanda) *20" Meinl Mb20 Heavy Ride (sol) *8" Meinl Byzance Traditional Splash x2 *18" Byzance Brilliant Medium Thin Crash x2 *20" Meinl Byzance Traditional Heavy Ride (sağ) *20" Byzance Brilliant Medium Crash *18" Byzance Brilliant China ;Pearl Donanımı *DR-503 Icon Rack + PCX-100 and PCX-200 Rack Clamps *H-2000 Eliminator Hi-hat Stand *Pearl Demon Drive Double Pedal *CLH-1000 Closed Hat *S-2000 Snare drum stand *CH-1000 Cymbal Holders *TH-100S Tom Holders *D-220 Roadster Throne ;Baget *Promark Evelyn Glennie 740 bateri bagetleri