Joseph Conrad

Kısaca: Joseph Conrad (d. adı Józef Teodor Konrad Korzeniowski; (d. ...devamı ☟

Joseph Conrad
Joseph Conrad

. Conrad, zaten bu kalıtsal Leh hanedan armasına sahip olduğundan, kendisine sunulan Britanya Şövalyeliği`ni reddetmişti.]

Joseph Conrad (d. adı Jí²zef Teodor Konrad Korzeniowski``; d. 3 Aralık 1857 - ö. 3 Ağustos 1924), Polonya asıllı bir İngiliz yazardı. Ukrayna`da doğdu. Eserlerinin kimisi romantik olarak yaftalanmışsa da Conrad`ın romantizmi belli bir alaycılıkla ve insanın kendi kendini aldatma gücüne dair sağlam bir farkındalıkla dengelenmiştir. Birçok eleştirmence modernizmin öncülerinden kabul edilir.


Conrad, Józef Teodor Konrad Korzeniowski adıyla Ukrayna`nın Berdychiv (eski adı ``Berdyczów``) adlı şehrinde, son derece yurtsever bir Polonyalı asil ailede (``NaÅ‚Ä™cz`` hanedanı soyundan) doğdu.

Conrad`ın bir yazar (en çok milliyetçi tragedyalarıyla tanınır) ve Fransızca ile İngilizce çevirmeni olan babası, Çarlık Rusya`ya karşı 1863 isyanlarına destek veren eylemleri nedeniyle Varşova`da Rus yetkililerce tutuklanmış ve Sibirya`ya sürülmüştü. Annesi veremden 1865`de, babası da dört sene sonra Krakov`da vefat etti; böylece Conrad on bir yaşında öksüz kalmış oldu.

Ebeveynlerinin ölümünü takiben, Krakov`da yaşayan dayısı Tadeusz Bobrowski`nin himayesine verildi.


Roman ve uzun öyküleri

," target="_blank"> on Poland`s Baltic Sea coast.]
     || ``The Rover``
| ``Almayer`s Folly``
| ``An Outcast of the Islands``
| ``The Nigger of the `Narcissus```
| ``Heart of Darkness``
| ``Lord Jim``
| ``The Inheritors`` (with Ford Madox Ford)
| ``Typhoon`` (begun 1899)
| ``Romance`` (with Ford Madox Ford)
| ``Nostromo``
| ``The Secret Agent``
| ``Under Western Eyes``
| ``Chance``
| ``Victory``
| ``The Shadow Line``
| ``The Arrow of Gold``
| ``The Rescue``
1923 || ``The Nature of a Crime`` (with Ford Madox Ford)
| ``Suspense`` (unfinished, published posthumously)

Kısa öyküleri

  • "The Idiots" (Conrad`s first short story; written during his honeymoon, published in ``Savo`` 1896 and collected in ``Tales of Unrest``, 1898).
  • "The Black Mate" (written, according to Conrad, in 1886; published 1908; posthumously collected in ``Tales of Hearsay``, 1925).
  • "The Lagoon" (composed 1896; published in ``Cornhill Magazine`` 1897; collected in ``Tales of Unrest``, 1898).
  • "An Outpost of Progress" (written 1896 and named in 1906 by Conrad himself, long after the publication of ``Lord Jim`` and ``Heart of Darkness``, as his `best story`; published in ``Cosmopolis`` 1897 and collected in ``Tales of Unrest`` 1898; often compared to ``Heart of Darkness``, with which it has numerous thematic affinities).
  • "The Return" (written circa early 1897; never published in magazine form; collected in ``Tales of Unrest``, 1898; Conrad, presaging the sentiments of most readers, once remarked, "I hate it").
  • "Karain: A Memory" (written February–April 1897; published Nov. 1897 in ``Blackwood`s`` and collected in ``Tales of Unrest``, 1898).
  • "Youth" (written in 1898; collected in ``Youth, a Narrative and Two Other Stories``, 1902)
  • "Falk" (novella/story, written in early 1901; collected only in ``Typhoon and Other Stories``, 1903).
  • "Amy Foster" (composed in 1901; published the ``Illustrated London News``, Dec. 1901 and collected in ``Typhoon and Other Stories``, 1903).
  • "To-morrow" (written early 1902; serialized in ``Pall Mall Magazine``, 1902 and collected in ``Typhoon and Other Stories``, 1903).
  • "The End of the Tether" (written in 1902; collected in ``Youth, a Narrative and Two Other Stories``, 1902)
  • "Gaspar Ruiz" (written after "Nostromo" in 1904–05; published in ``Strand Magazine`` in 1906 and collected in ``A Set of Six``, 1908 UK/1915 US. This story was the only piece of Conrad`s fiction ever adapted by the author for cinema, as ``Gaspar the Strong Man``, 1920).
  • "An Anarchist" (written in late 1905; serialized in ``Harper`s`` in 1906; collected in ``A Set of Six``, 1908 UK/1915 US.)
  • "The Informer" (written before January 1906; published in December 1906 in ``Harper`s`` and collected in ``A Set of Six``, 1908 UK/1915 US.)
  • "The Brute" (written in early 1906; published in ``The Daily Chronicle`` in December 1906; collected in ``A Set of Six``, 1908 UK/1915 US.)
  • "The Duel" (aka "The Point of Honor": serialized in the UK in ``Pall Mall Magazine`` in early 1908 and in the US periodical ``Forum`` later that year; collected in ``A Set of Six`` in 1908 and published by Garden City Publishing in 1924. Joseph Fouchí© makes a cameo appearance)
  • "Il Conde" (i.e., `Conte` [1]: appeared in ``Cassell`s`` [2] 1908 and ``Hampton`s`` [3] in 1909; collected in ``A Set of Six``, 1908 UK/1915 US.)
  • "The Secret Sharer" (written December 1909; published in ``Harper`s`` and collected in ``Twixt Land and Sea`` 1912)
  • "Prince Roman" (written 1910, published in 1911 in the ``Oxford and Cambridge Review``; based upon the story of Prince Roman Sanguszko of Poland 1800–1881)
  • "A Smile of Fortune" (a long story, almost a novella, written in mid-1910; published in ``London Magazine`` in Feb. 1911; collected in ``Twixt Land and Sea`` 1912)
  • "Freya of the Seven Isles" (another near-novella, written late 1910–early 1911; published in ``Metropolitan Magazine`` and ``London Magazine`` in early 1912 and July 1912, respectively; collected in ``Twixt Land and Sea`` 1912)
  • "The Partner" (written in 1911; published in ``Within the Tides``, 1915)
  • "The Inn of the Two Witches" (written in 1913; published in ``Within the Tides``, 1915)
  • "Because of the Dollars" (written in 1914; published in ``Within the Tides``, 1915)
  • "The Planter of Malata" (written in 1914; published in ``Within the Tides``, 1915)
  • "The Warrior`s Soul" (written late 1915–early 1916; published in ``Land and Water``, in March 1917; collected in ``Tales of Hearsay``, 1925)
  • "The Tale" (Conrad`s only story about WWI; written 1916 and first published 1917 in ``Strand Magazine``)

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Joseph Conrad

İngilizce Joseph Conrad kelimelerinin Fransızca karşılığı.
n. Joseph Conrad (1857-1924), écrivain anglais d'origine polonaise, auteur de "Lord Jim" et "Le coeur des Ténèbres"

Joseph Conrad

İngilizce Joseph Conrad kelimelerinin Almanca karşılığı.
n. Joseph Conrad, (1857-1924) in Polen geborener englischer Romanautor, Autor der Kurzgeschichte "Herz der Finsternis"

Joseph Conrad

İngilizce Joseph Conrad kelimelerinin İtalyanca karşılığı.
s. Joseph Conrad (1857-1924) scrittore inglese di origine polacca autore fra l'altro di "Lord Jim" e "Heart of Darkness"

Joseph Conrad

İngilizce Joseph Conrad kelimelerinin Portekizce karşılığı.
s. Joseph Conrad (1857-1924), escritor inglês de origem polonesa, autor de "Lord Jim"

Joseph Conrad

Fransızca Joseph Conrad kelimelerinin İngilizce karşılığı.
n. Joseph Conrad (1857-1924), Polish-born English novelist, author of "Lord Jim" and "Heart of Darkness"

Joseph Conrad

n. (1857-1924) Polish-born English novelist, author of "Lord Jim" and "Heart of Darkness" n. Joseph Conrad (1857-1924), Polish-born English novelist, author of "Lord Jim" and "Heart of Darkness"

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