
Kısaca: Jump, Türkçe karşılığı Zıpla olan İngilizce sözcüktür. ...devamı ☟


1. anlamı f. sıçramak, atlamak, fırlamak, zıplamak; sıçratmak, zıplatmak, fırlatmak, atlatmak; üzerinden atlamak; içine atlamak, binmek (tren); kışkırtmak, yuvasından çıkarmak; geçivermek (bahis, sayfa). jump a claim zorla sahip çıkmak (arazi). jump a hors.
2. anlamı sıçramak. atlamak. üzerinden atlamak. yerinden sıçramak. birdenbire yükselmek. fırlamak. sıçrama. atlama. zıplama. sıçrayış.


Jump İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı

Jump anlamları

  1. (noun) An effort; an attempt; a venture.
  2. (noun) The space traversed by a leap.
  3. (v. t.) To bore with a jumper.
  4. (v. t.) To join by a butt weld.
  5. (v. t.) To cause to jump; as, he jumped his horse across the ditch.
  6. (noun) The act of jumping; a leap; a spring; a bound.
  7. (v. t.) To expose to danger; to risk; to hazard.
  8. (noun) A dislocation in a stratum; a fault.
  9. (v. i.) To spring free from the ground by the muscular action of the feet and legs; to project one's self through the air; to spring; to bound; to leap.
  10. (v. i.) To coincide; to agree; to accord; to tally; -- followed by with.
  11. (noun) A bodice worn instead of stays by women in the 18th century.
  12. (noun) A kind of loose jacket for men.
  13. (v. t.) To thicken or enlarge by endwise blows; to upset.
  14. (a.) Nice; exact; matched; fitting; precise.
  15. (v. i.) To move as if by jumping; to bounce; to jolt.
  16. (adv.) Exactly; pat.
  17. (noun) An abrupt interruption of level in a piece of brickwork or masonry.
  18. (v. t.) To pass by a spring or leap; to overleap; as, to jump a stream.

Jump tanım:

Kelime: jump
Söyleniş: 'j&mp
İşlev: verb
Kökeni: probably akin to Low German gumpen to jump
intransitive senses
1 a : to spring into the air : LEAP; especially : to spring free from the ground or other base by the muscular action of feet and legs b : to move suddenly or involuntarily : START c : to move over a position occupied by an opponent's piece in a board game often thereby capturing the piece d : to undergo a vertical or lateral displacement owing to improper alignment of the film on a projector mechanism e : to start out or forward : BEGIN -- usually used with off jump off to a big lead f : to move energetically : HUSTLE g : to go from one sequence of instructions in a computer program to another jump to a subroutine
3 a : to move haphazardly or irregularly : shift abruptly jumped from job to job b : to change or abandon employment especially in violation of contract c : to rise suddenly in rank or status d : to undergo a sudden sharp change in value prices jumped e : to make a jump in bridge f : to make a hurried judgment jump to conclusions g : to show eagerness jumped at the chance h : to enter eagerly jump on the bandwagon
4 : to make a sudden physical or verbal attack jumped on him for his criticism
5 : to bustle with activity the bar was jumping with young people
transitive senses
1 a : to leap over jump a hurdle b : to move over (a piece) in a board game c : to act, move, or begin before (as a signal) jump the green light d : to leap aboard jump a freight
2 obsolete : RISK, HAZARD
3 a : to escape from : AVOID b : to leave hastily or in violation of contract jump town without paying their bills -- Hamilton Basso c : to depart from (a normal course) jump the track
4 a : to make a sudden physical or verbal attack on b : to occupy illegally jump a mining claim
5 a (1) : to cause to leap (2) : to cause (game) to break cover : START, FLUSH b : to elevate in rank or status c : to raise (a bridge partner's bid) by more than one rank d : to increase suddenly and sharply
- jump bail : to abscond after being released from prison on bail
- jump ship 1 : to leave the company of a ship without authority 2 : to desert a cause or party especially abruptly : DEFECT
- jump the gun 1 : to start in a race before the starting signal 2 : to act, move, or begin something before the proper time
- jump the queue British : to advance directly to or as if to the head of a line

Jump ile eşanlamlı (synonym) kelimeler

Alternate, Bound, Derail, Jumping, Leap, Rise, Saltation, Skip, Spring, Start, Startle,


İngilizce Jump kelimesinin İspanyolca karşılığı.
s. salto, brinco, repullo, respingo, volantín v. saltar, brincar, dar un brinco, dar un repullo, dar un salto, pegar un brinco, pegar un salto, tirarse


İngilizce Jump kelimesinin Fransızca karşılığı.
n. saut, bond, sursaut; tremblement; tic v. sauter; bondir; sursauter; faire un saut; sauter par dessus; omettre; descendre; sortir; se saisir par la force


İngilizce Jump kelimesinin Almanca karşılığı.
n. Sprung; Satz; Absprung; kurze Reise; ÜbertreterM; Absprung v. springen; überspringen; auslassen


İngilizce Jump kelimesinin İtalyanca karşılığı.
s. salto, balzo; ostacolo da saltare; sobbalzo; (fam) nervosismo, (fam) nervi; rincaro improvviso; (fig) sbalzo, mutamento rapido; il mangiare un pezzo; (Aer) lancio; rinvio v. saltare; scattare; passare, fare un salto; (fig) rincarare, aumentare di colpo; mangiare un pezzo; (Aer) lanciarsi col paracadute; (Equit) saltare un ostacolo


İngilizce Jump kelimesinin Portekizce karşılığı.
s. salto; pulo; acaso; encontro feliz; estremecimento v. pular; saltar; estremecer; galgar; cabriolar; concordar; aventurar; arriscar; levantar; transpor de um salto


f. atlamak, sıçramak, hoplamak, zıplamak, fırlamak, atlatmak, sıçratmak, ürkmek, zonklamak, eğlenceli olmak, sevişmek, ilişkiye girmek i. atlama, sıçrama, zıplama, hoplama, fırlama, artış, geri tepme, boşalma sayısı


Fransızca Jump kelimesinin İngilizce karşılığı.
(m) n. jump, a move in a board game over an opponent's piece (Games-Cards)


İngilizce Jump kelimesinin Flemenkçe karşılığı.
zn. sprong; aanloop; huppel; spronglengte; korte reis; plotseling opschrikken ww. springen; opschrikken; aanloop nemen; huppelen; even wegbrengen; weggaan, vluchten; met kracht pakken; eruit laten


n. act of jumping, leap, spring; rapid or sudden increase; sudden upward movement; jerk; hurdle, something that must be leaped over; move; short quick trip; leap made from an airplane with a parachute v. leap, spring; get up quickly; move suddenly, jerk; act quickly; rush; move ahead rapidly (as in rank or position); suddenly increase; leap onto or into; omit, disregard; attack; leave suddenly; illegally take over another's property n. jump, a move in a board game over an opponent's piece (Games-Cards)

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