Kadın Adayları Destekleme ve Eğitme Derneği

Kısaca: Kadın Adayları Destekleme ve Eğitme Derneği (KA-DER), merkezi İstanbul'da bulunan bir Sivil toplum kuruluşu'dur. Kısa adıyla KA-DER, 1997 yılında çeşitli mesleklerden oluşan F.Suay Aksoy, A. ...devamı ☟

Kadın Adayları Destekleme ve Eğitme Derneği
Kadın Adayları Destekleme Ve Eğitme Derneği

Diğer anlamı|Kader Kadın Adayları Destekleme ve Eğitme Derneği (KA-DER), merkezi İstanbul`da bulunan bir Sivil Toplum Kuruluşu`dur.

Kısa adıyla KA-DER, 1997 yılında çeşitli mesleklerden oluşan F.Suay Aksoy, A.Yeşim Arat, M.Canan Arın, Ayşe Ayata, Şule N. Aytaç, Ayşegül Baykan, F.Yıldız Ecevit, Zeynep Oral, Şirin Tekeli, Pınar Türenç tarafından kuruldu.

Dernek amacını; `Kadınların seçimle ve atamayla gelinen tüm karar verme mekanizmalarında ve politikada biran önce etkili ve giderek eşit temsilini sağlamak` şeklinde belirliyor.

Yönetim Kurulu başkanlığını Hülya Gülbahar`ın yaptığı KA-DER`in 1000`den fazla üyesi, 11 ilde şubeleri, 5 yerde temsilcilikleri bulunmakta.

Dernek, meclisteki kadın temsilcilerin,
  • 1. Kadınlık durumunun bilincinde, bunu sahiplenen, dillendiren, kadınlara özgü sorunlar konusunda duyarlı davranan, kadın dayanışmasına önem veren,
  • 2. Başta Medeni Kanun Reformu olmak üzere, kadınlara yönelik her türlü ayrımcılığı ve şiddeti sonlandıracak adımları atmaya kararlı, yenilikçi, toplumu ileriye götürecek projeleri olan,
  • 3. Laik Cumhuriyetin insan haklarına saygılı eksiksiz bir demokrasi ve hukuk devleti olması ve sivil toplumun güçlendirilmesi için çalışan,
  • 4. Her türlü fanatizme, yobazlığa, ırkçılığa, toplumsal kirliliğe, şiddete ve savaşa karşı çıkan, çevreyi koruma bilincine sahip,
  • 5. Siyasete kişisel çıkarı için değil, kadınların ve halkın gerçek temsilcisi olmak amacıyla
  • 6. Dürüstlüğü, ilkeliliği ve cesareti, birleştirici ve yumuşak bir üslupla birleştiren birer yurttaş olmalarını talep etmektedir.


  • Siyaset Okulu Projesi, Siyaset Okulu Değerlendirme Projesi, Toplumsal Cinsiyet ve Kota Eğitimleri, Kadın Siyaseti Programı, .Kadınlar İş Başına Projesi, Kendine Güven Eğitimi, iletişim, motivasyon, liderlik vb. projeleri bulunmaktadır.
  • Halen ``Bu meclise Kadın Şart`` adlı bir kampanya yürütmektedir.

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KA-DER web sitesi



VjHana - 1 yıl önce
Vijaybet  Blending India’s Card Traditions with Modern Gaming: A Journey through Call Break on Vijaybet. Introduction Card games have always been an integral part of Indian culture, steeped in traditions that date back centuries. One such beloved game is Call Break, with roots tracing back to Nepal and India. It has gained immense popularity in recent years, particularly in the online gaming arena. Platforms like Vijaybet  are contributing significantly to this surge, offering enthusiasts the opportunity to play Call Break and other card games from the comfort of their homes. In this article, we delve into the fascinating world of Call Break, exploring its origins, rules, strategies, and how Vijaybet is embracing this traditional game in the realm of online gaming. Embracing Tradition and Modernity with Call Break on Vijaybet Call Break, a strategic card game, has its origins deeply entrenched in the cultures of Nepal and India. Although sharing some similarities with the Western game "Spades," Call Break stands out with its unique rules and rich cultural background. As the world of gaming continues to evolve with the rise of online platforms, Call Break has also transitioned into the digital realm. Platforms like Vijaybet have embraced this transition, offering enthusiasts the chance to enjoy this traditional game online, keeping its cultural essence intact. Understanding the Call Break Card Game Call Break is a four-player card game where each player declares their 'calls' after the distribution of a standard 52-card pack. A 'call' signifies the number of tricks a player commits to win, ranging from one to eight. The player to the dealer’s right makes the first move, initiating the trick-taking phase. During this phase, players attempt to capture the trick by matching the suit of the preceding card with a higher card or using a spade, which is the trump card in the game. The objective is to secure tricks equal to or more than the initially declared 'call.' Exceeding the 'call' results in bonus points, while falling short incurs a loss of points. Mastering Call Break: Proven Strategies for Success To excel at Call Break, consistent practice and in-depth knowledge are key. Here are some strategies to enhance your Call Break game: 1. Strategize with Your Trump Card: The trump card, particularly the spade suit, holds immense strategic value in Call Break. Timing its deployment is crucial, and players often wait for the opportune moment to use it effectively. 2. Embrace Informed Risks: Like in poker, evaluating risks is vital in Call Break. Assess your hand, determine the right bidding amount, and time the play of your trump card. Each move should be a result of calculated risk-taking. 3. Stay Attuned to the Game Dynamics: Anticipating fellow players’ moves and gauging potential cards they might hold is essential in Call Break. Being perceptive and adjusting your strategy accordingly is crucial for success. 4. Prioritize the Point Tally: In Call Break, your score depends on the point system. Winning more hands results in accumulating more points. Balancing your initial bids is vital, as underbidding or exceeding your calls can significantly impact your score. The Game's Purpose Call Break is a captivating card game that combines tactical thinking and skill. It has gained immense popularity in India and has found a virtual home in online casinos like Vijaybet, offering real-money poker. Players engage in cerebral battles, predicting tricks to earn points and showcasing their strategic abilities. Conclusion The amalgamation of tradition and modernity is evident in the popularity of Call Break on online platforms like Vijaybet. This captivating card game continues to thrive, connecting people through shared experiences, rich history, and cultural significance. Whether you're a novice or an experienced player, Call Break offers an entertaining and engaging game experience that enhances your strategic abilities. Explore the world of Call Break at Vijaybet and other trusted online casinos, and prove your skills in this immersive card game.

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