

1. anlamı (i.) dil, lisan; konuşma kabiliyeti; herhangi bir ifade tarzı; bir kabileye veya bir yere mahsus lehçe; kompütör lisanı. finger language sağırların kullandığı parmak işaretleri ile konuşulan dil. strong language küfür, ağır söz, sert dil. language.
2. anlamı dil. lisan.


Language İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı

Language anlamları

  1. (v. t.) To communicate by language; to express in language.
  2. (noun) Any means of conveying or communicating ideas; specifically, human speech; the expression of ideas by the voice; sounds, expressive of thought, articulated by the organs of the throat and mouth.
  3. (noun) The expression of ideas by writing, or any other instrumentality.
  4. (noun) The forms of speech, or the methods of expressing ideas, peculiar to a particular nation.
  5. (noun) The characteristic mode of arranging words, peculiar to an individual speaker or writer; manner of expression; style.
  6. (noun) The suggestion, by objects, actions, or conditions, of ideas associated therewith; as, the language of flowers.
  7. (noun) A race, as distinguished by its speech.
  8. (noun) The vocabulary and phraseology belonging to an art or department of knowledge; as, medical language; the language of chemistry or theology.
  9. (noun) The inarticulate sounds by which animals inferior to man express their feelings or their wants.

Language tanım:

Kelime: lan·guage
Söyleniş: 'la[ng]-gwij, -wij
İşlev: noun
Kökeni: Middle English, from Old French, from langue tongue, language, from Latin lingua -- more at TONGUE
1 a : the words, their pronunciation, and the methods of combining them used and understood by a community b (1) : audible, articulate, meaningful sound as produced by the action of the vocal organs (2) : a systematic means of communicating ideas or feelings by the use of conventionalized signs, sounds, gestures, or marks having understood meanings (3) : the suggestion by objects, actions, or conditions of associated ideas or feelings language in their very gesture -- Shakespeare (4) : the means by which animals communicate (5) : a formal system of signs and symbols (as FORTRAN or a calculus in logic) including rules for the formation and transformation of admissible expressions (6) : MACHINE LANGUAGE 1
2 a : form or manner of verbal expression; specifically : STYLE b : the vocabulary and phraseology belonging to an art or a department of knowledge c : PROFANITY
3 : the study of language especially as a school subject
[language table]

Language ile eşanlamlı (synonym) kelimeler

Lyric, Nomenclature, Speech, Terminology,


İngilizce Language kelimesinin İspanyolca karşılığı.
s. lenguaje, dialecto, idioma


İngilizce Language kelimesinin Fransızca karşılığı.
n. idiome, langage particulier à une communauté, à une région; langue; langage; vocabulaire spécifique; façon de s'exprimer


İngilizce Language kelimesinin Almanca karşılığı.
n. Sprache; Zunge


İngilizce Language kelimesinin İtalyanca karşılığı.
s. lingua, idioma, linguaggio; favella; gergo


İngilizce Language kelimesinin Portekizce karşılığı.
s. linguagem, idioma, língua


i. dil, lisan, mesleki dil


İngilizce Language kelimesinin Flemenkçe karşılığı.
zn. taal


n. body of spoken or written words with which people communicate thoughts and feelings; specialized vocabulary; nonverbal means of communication (system of symbols, etc.); manner in which a person writes or speaks; manner in which animals communicate

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