

1. anlamı (i.), (s.) yol gösterme, rehberlik; ima; (s.) önde olan, yol gösteren, rehber olan. leading article (İng.) başmakale. leading lady piyeste başrolü oynayan kadın. leading man başrolü oynayan erkek. leading question belirli bir cevabı gerektiren soru.
2. anlamı en önemli. ana. temel. yol gösteren. kılavuzluk eden. yöneten. önde olan.
3. anlamı en önemli. ana. temel. yol gösteren. kilavuzluk eden. yöneten. önde olan. yol gösterme. kilavuzluk. kursun çerçeve. anterlin.


Leading İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı

Leading anlamları

  1. (a.) Guiding; directing; controlling; foremost; as, a leading motive; a leading man; a leading example.
  2. (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Lead
  3. (noun) The act of guiding, directing, governing, or enticing; guidance.
  4. (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Lead
  5. (noun) Suggestion; hint; example.

Leading tanım:

Kelime: lead
Söyleniş: 'lEd
İşlev: verb
Türleri: led /'led/; lead·ing
Kökeni: Middle English leden, from Old English l[AE]dan; akin to Old High German leiten to lead, Old English lIthan to go
transitive senses
1 a : to guide on a way especially by going in advance b : to direct on a course or in a direction c : to serve as a channel for a pipe leads water to the house
2 : to go through : LIVE lead a quiet life
3 a (1) : to direct the operations, activity, or performance of lead an orchestra (2) : to have charge of lead a campaign (3) : to suggest to (a witness) the answer desired by asking leading questions b (1) : to go at the head of lead a parade (2) : to be first in or among lead the league (3) : to have a margin over led his opponent
4 : to bring to some conclusion or condition led to believe otherwise
5 : to begin play with lead trumps
6 a : to aim in front of (a moving object) lead a duck b : to pass a ball or puck just in front of (a moving teammate)
intransitive senses
1 a : to guide someone or something along a way b : to lie, run, or open in a specified place or direction path leads uphill c : to guide a dance partner through the steps of a dance
2 a : to be first b (1) : BEGIN, OPEN (2) : to play the first card of a trick, round, or game
3 : to tend toward or have a result study leading to a degree
4 : to direct the first of a series of blows at an opponent in boxing
synonym see GUIDE
- lead one down the garden path also lead one up the garden path : HOODWINK, DECEIVE

Leading ile eşanlamlı (synonym) kelimeler

Ahead, Lead, Leadership, Preeminent, Star, Starring, Stellar,

Leading ile zıt (antonym) anlamlı kelimeler



İngilizce Leading kelimesinin İspanyolca karşılığı.
s. conducción; interlineación; emplomado, emplomadura; (en aeronaves) dirección a la parte delantera del rumbo del avión enemigo
s. baño de plomo; enmarcado con plomo; (Impr.) regleta
adj. principal, mayor; delantero, destacado, que encabeza, que va a la cabeza, que va en cabeza; dirigente, gobernante; conducente, conductor, orientador


İngilizce Leading kelimesinin Fransızca karşılığı.
n. direction, commandement; directive; conduite, menage (chevaux); instruction; de tête; (dactylographie) interligne; (aviation) direction à l'avant du circuit de l'avion ennemi
n. revêtement de plomb; encadrement de plomb; tablette de plomb (en imprimerie)
adj. dominant, principal, essentiel; directeur (ligne)


İngilizce Leading kelimesinin Almanca karşılığı.
[lead] v. anführen; führen
v. verbleien; mit Blei beschweren
n. Führen; Schleppen; Anweisen; (Luftfahrt) das Flugzeug auf den Weg eines feindlichen Flugzeugs leiten


İngilizce Leading kelimesinin İtalyanca karşılığı.
s. guida, comando, direzione; (fig) autorità; addestramento;
s. guida, comando, direzione; (fig) autorità
agg. di testa, che è in testa, primo; di primo piano, il più importante, eminente, preminente; che dirige, che guida, che comanda


İngilizce Leading kelimesinin Portekizce karşılığı.
s. direção, condução, liderança; orientação, instrução; direcionamento à frente do curso de uma aeronave inimiga
s. revestimento com chumbo; moldura feita com chumbo; chapa de chumbo (em impressão)
adj. principal; primeiro; capital; dominante


s. önde olan, başlıca, ana, önemli, ileri gelen


İngilizce Leading kelimesinin Flemenkçe karşılığı.
zn. leiding; begeleiding; (bij vliegtuigen) richting van vooruitgang van baan van vijandelijk vliegtuig
zn. met lood bedekt; met lood besloten; loodplaatje (bij druk)
bn. vooraanstaand, hoofd-


n. act of one who leads; conducting; guiding, instructing; (Airplanes) directing toward the front of the path of an enemy plane
n. lead covering; lead framing; thin strip of lead or other metal which is placed between lines of type (Printing)
adj. main, principal, head; first; directing, guiding

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