
Lodge Haritası


1. anlamı i. tekke; mason teşkilâtının azaları veya toplanma yeri, loca; ufak ev; kapıcı veya bahçıvan kulübesi; tatil evi; hayvan ini. ,oda/loca/kulübe,xyz yerleş/yerleştir.
2. anlamı kısa süreli kirada oturmak. pansiyonda kalmak. takılmak. takılıp kalmak. resmi demeç vermek. beyanatta bulunmak. kulübe. kapıcı evi. bodrum kat.
3. anlamı kisa süreli kirada oturmak. pansiyonda kalmak. takilmak. takilip kalmak. resmi demeç vermek. beyanatta bulunmak. kulübe. kapici evi. bodrum kat.


Lodge İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı

Lodge anlamları

  1. (noun) A shelter in which one may rest; as: (a) A shed; a rude cabin; a hut; as, an Indian's lodge.
  2. (noun) A family of North American Indians, or the persons who usually occupy an Indian lodge, -- as a unit of enumeration, reckoned from four to six persons; as, the tribe consists of about two hundred lodges, that is, of about a thousand individuals.
  3. (noun) To drive to shelter; to track to covert.
  4. (noun) To deposit for keeping or preservation; as, the men lodged their arms in the arsenal.
  5. (v. i.) To rest or remain a lodge house, or other shelter; to rest; to stay; to abide; esp., to sleep at night; as, to lodge in York Street.
  6. (noun) To lay down; to prostrate.
  7. (noun) A den or cave.
  8. (noun) A collection of objects lodged together.
  9. (noun) To cause to stop or rest in; to implant.
  10. (noun) A small dwelling house, as for a gamekeeper or gatekeeper of an estate.
  11. (noun) The meeting room of an association; hence, the regularly constituted body of members which meets there; as, a masonic lodge.
  12. (v. i.) To come to a rest; to stop and remain; as, the bullet lodged in the bark of a tree.
  13. (v. i.) To fall or lie down, as grass or grain, when overgrown or beaten down by the wind.
  14. (noun) The chamber of an abbot, prior, or head of a college.
  15. (noun) To give shelter or rest to; especially, to furnish a sleeping place for; to harbor; to shelter; hence, to receive; to hold.
  16. (noun) The space at the mouth of a level next the shaft, widened to permit wagons to pass, or ore to be deposited for hoisting; -- called also platt.

Lodge tanım:

Kelime: lodge
Söyleniş: 'läj
İşlev: verb
Türleri: lodged; lodg·ing
transitive senses
1 a (1) : to provide temporary quarters for (2) : to rent lodgings to b : to establish or settle in a place
2 : to serve as a receptacle for : CONTAIN
3 : to beat (as a crop) flat to the ground
4 : to bring to an intended or a fixed position (as by throwing or thrusting)
5 : to deposit for safeguard or preservation
6 : to place or vest especially in a source, means, or agent
7 : to lay (as a complaint) before a proper authority : FILE
intransitive senses
1 a : to occupy a place temporarily : SLEEP b (1) : to have a residence : DWELL (2) : to be a lodger
2 : to come to a rest
3 : to fall or lie down -- used especially of hay or grain crops

Lodge ile eşanlamlı (synonym) kelimeler

Accommodate, Charge, Club, Deposit, File, Gild, Guild, Hostel, Hostelry, Inn, Order, Society, Stick, Wedge,

Lodge ile zıt (antonym) anlamlı kelimeler

Dislodge, Free,


İngilizce Lodge kelimesinin İspanyolca karşılığı.
s. alojamiento, acomodamiento, posada; logia; casa del guarda
v. alojar, albergar, aposentar, dar alojamiento a, dar dónde dormir, dar hospedaje, domiciliar, hospedar; alojarse, hospedarse


İngilizce Lodge kelimesinin Fransızca karşılığı.
n. loge; pavillon; barraque; habitation provisoire, hôtel garni; salle
v. habiter,loger, héberger; louer une chambre; coincer, se loger; présenter; déposer, remettre, consigner


İngilizce Lodge kelimesinin Almanca karşılığı.
n. Hütte (Ski, Jagd); Pförtnerhaus; Hotel; Loge (Theater); Loge (Freimaurer); Ortsgruppe
v. wohnen, sich aufhalten; übernachten; aufnehmen, beinhalten; festsitzen, feststecken; einreichen, präsentieren; einzahlen; stützen auf


İngilizce Lodge kelimesinin İtalyanca karşılığı.
s. casetta, casotto; (Venat) casino di caccia; (Univ) portineria; residenza; capanno, capanna; cabina; villetta; loggia; tana; (Etnol) wigwam, tenda indiana; (am) albergo di villeggiatura; (mass.) loggia
v. alloggiare, prendere alloggio; albergare, dare alloggio a, sistemare; acquartierare; ospitare, servire da alloggio a; prendere a pensione; contenere; depositare, mettere; conficcare, piantare; (Dir) presentare


İngilizce Lodge kelimesinin Portekizce karşılığı.
s. pavilhão, guarita; albergue temporário; hotel em local de veraneio; gabinete
v. morar, alojar-se; pernoitar; acomodar, conter; alojar (por ex.: uma bala de revólver no corpo); apresentar, entregar (uma reclamação ou acusação às autoridades); depositar em confiança; delegar


f. oturmak, kiracı olarak kalmak, misafir olmak, yatıya kalmak, misafir etmek, para yatırmak, sunmak, arzetmek, bildirmek, vurmak, saplamak
i. kulübe, loca, kızılderili çadırı, merkez bina


İngilizce Lodge kelimesinin Flemenkçe karşılığı.
zn. hut; tijdelijke schuilplaats; hotel in een vakantiegebied; bureau
ww. wonen, inwonen; logeren; overnachten; slapen; voeden; prikken, geprikt worden; serveren; voorstellen; deponeren; volmachten


n. cabin; hut, crude shelter; small house on an estate; inn; any of a number of American Indian dwellings; local chapter of some fraternal organizations; animal's den (especially a beaver)
v. live, reside; stay overnight; accommodate someone; rent a room to; contain; stick in, implant; become stuck in, become embedded; enter or file a complaint; deposit, entrust to

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