Lorikeet İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı
Lorikeet anlamları
- (noun) Any one numerous species of small brush-tongued parrots or lories, found mostly in Australia, New Guinea and the adjacent islands, with some forms in the East Indies. They are arboreal in their habits and feed largely upon the honey of flowers. They belong to Trichoglossus, Loriculus, and several allied genera.
Lorikeet tanım:
Kelime: lor·i·keet
Söyleniş: 'lor-&-"kEt, 'lär-
İşlev: noun
Kökeni: lory -keet (as in parakeet)
: any of numerous small arboreal chiefly Australasian parrots (family Loriidae) that usually have long slender tongue papillae which form an organ resembling a brush