Meagerly İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı
Meagerly anlamları
- (adv.) Alt. of Meagrely
Meagerly tanım:
Kelime: mea·ger
Variant(s): or mea·gre

İşlev: adjective
Kökeni: Middle English megre, from Middle French maigre, from Latin macr-, macer lean; akin to Old English mæger lean, Greek makros long
1 : having little flesh : THIN
2 a : lacking desirable qualities (as richness or strength) leading a meager life b : deficient in quality or quantity a meager diet
- mea·ger·ly adverb
- mea·ger·ness noun
synonyms MEAGER, SCANTY, SCANT, SKIMPY, SPARE, SPARSE mean falling short of what is normal, necessary, or desirable. MEAGER implies the absence of elements, qualities, or numbers necessary to a thing's richness, substance, or potency a meager portion of meat . SCANTY stresses insufficiency in amount, quantity, or extent supplies too scanty to last the winter . SCANT suggests a falling short of what is desired or desirable rather than of what is essential in January the daylight hours are scant . SKIMPY usually suggests niggardliness or penury as the cause of the deficiency tacky housing developments on skimpy lots . SPARE may suggest a slight falling short of adequacy or merely an absence of superfluity a spare, concise style of writing . SPARSE implies a thin scattering of units a sparse population .