

1. anlamı f. değirmende öğütmek, çekmek; değirmenden geçirmek; (paranın kenarını) diş diş yapmak; dövüp köpürtmek (çikolata v.b.); koyun sürüsü gibi birbirine sokularak bir merkez etrafında dönmek. ,fabrika/değirmen,mill tırtılla/işle/öğüt.
2. anlamı değirmen. el değirmeni. fabrika. imalathane. değirmende öğütmek. (maden) frezelemek. şekil vermek. işlemek.


Mill İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı

Mill anlamları

  1. (noun) A machine used for expelling the juice, sap, etc., from vegetable tissues by pressure, or by pressure in combination with a grinding, or cutting process; as, a cider mill; a cane mill.
  2. (noun) A common name for various machines which produce a manufactured product, or change the form of a raw material by the continuous repetition of some simple action; as, a sawmill; a stamping mill, etc.
  3. (noun) A building or collection of buildings with machinery by which the processes of manufacturing are carried on; as, a cotton mill; a powder mill; a rolling mill.
  4. (noun) To shape, finish, or transform by passing through a machine; specifically, to shape or dress, as metal, by means of a rotary cutter.
  5. (noun) To pass through a fulling mill; to full, as cloth.
  6. (noun) To beat with the fists.
  7. (noun) An excavation in rock, transverse to the workings, from which material for filling is obtained.
  8. (noun) To make a raised border around the edges of, or to cut fine grooves or indentations across the edges of, as of a coin, or a screw head; also, to stamp in a coining press; to coin.
  9. (noun) A machine for grinding and polishing; as, a lapidary mill.
  10. (noun) A money of account of the United States, having the value of the tenth of a cent, or the thousandth of a dollar.
  11. (noun) A hardened steel roller having a design in relief, used for imprinting a reversed copy of the design in a softer metal, as copper.
  12. (noun) To reduce to fine particles, or to small pieces, in a mill; to grind; to comminute.
  13. (noun) To roll into bars, as steel.
  14. (noun) A pugilistic.
  15. (noun) A machine for grinding or comminuting any substance, as grain, by rubbing and crushing it between two hard, rough, or intented surfaces; as, a gristmill, a coffee mill; a bone mill.
  16. (v. i.) To swim under water; -- said of air-breathing creatures.
  17. (noun) A passage underground through which ore is shot.
  18. (noun) A milling cutter. See Illust. under Milling.
  19. (v. i.) To move in a circle, as cattle upon a plain.
  20. (v. i.) To undergo hulling, as maize.
  21. (v. i.) To swim suddenly in a new direction; -- said of whales.
  22. (v. t.) To fill (a winze or interior incline) with broken ore, to be drawn out at the bottom.
  23. (v. t.) To cause to mill, or circle round, as cattle.
  24. (v. i.) To take part in a mill; to box.
  25. (noun) Short for Treadmill.
  26. (noun) The raised or ridged edge or surface made in milling anything, as a coin or screw.

Mill tanım:

Kelime: mill
Söyleniş: 'mil
İşlev: noun
Kökeni: Middle English mille, from Old English mylen, from Late Latin molina, molinum, from feminine and neuter of molinus of a mill, of a millstone, from Latin mola mill, millstone; akin to Latin molere to grind -- more at MEAL
1 : a building provided with machinery for grinding grain into flour
2 a : a machine or apparatus (as a quern) for grinding grain b : a machine for crushing or comminuting
3 : a machine that manufactures by the continuous repetition of some simple action
4 : a building or collection of buildings with machinery for manufacturing
5 a : a machine formerly used for stamping coins b : a machine for expelling juice from vegetable tissues by pressure or grinding
7 a : a slow, laborious, or mechanical process or routine b : one that produces or processes people or things mechanically or in large numbers a diploma mill a rumor mill
8 : a difficult and often educational experience -- used in the phrase through the mill
9 slang : the engine of an automobile or boat

Mill ile eşanlamlı (synonym) kelimeler

Factory, Grind, Grinder, Manufactory, Pulverization,


İngilizce Mill kelimesinin İspanyolca karşılığı.
s. molino, molinillo; fábrica
v. moler, cerrillear, molturar


İngilizce Mill kelimesinin Fransızca karşılığı.
n. moulin; meule; usine, manufacture; mille (pièce); coup de poing (combat de boxe, familier)
v. moudre; aiguiser, affûter, meuler; tourner en rond; courir dans tous les sens; donner des coups de poing


İngilizce Mill kelimesinin Almanca karşılığı.
n. Mühle; Textilfabrik; Textilmaschine; Münzerei; Boxwettkampf
v. mahlen; fräsen; rändeln; im Kreis laufen


İngilizce Mill kelimesinin İtalyanca karşılığı.
s. mulino; macinino; frantoio; spremitore, spremifrutta; stabilimento, opificio, fabbrica; (Mecc) laminatoio; godrone; fresa; (Tess) follatrice; (fig) processo lento e laborioso
v. macinare; (tecn) zigrinare; (Mecc) fresare; frullare, montare; (sl) prendere a pugni, picchiare; (Met) laminare; (Tess) follare


İngilizce Mill kelimesinin Portekizce karşılığı.
s. moinho, engenho; mó; fábrica; mil (moeda); competição de boxe
v. moer; polir, "moer"; rodar em círculos, correr de um lado para o outro; levar socos


f. öğütmek, çırpmak, tırtıklamak, çentiklemek
i. değirmen, fabrika, imalathane, mengene, doların binde biri


İngilizce Mill kelimesinin Flemenkçe karşılığı.
zn. molen; malerij; molensteen; fabriek; muntstuk; box wedstrijd
ww. malen; rondlopen, wemelen; slaan met een vuist


n. establishment with mechanical equipment for the manufacturing of a product; mechanical device that grinds; factory that processes grain, milling house; unit of monetary value equal to one thousandth of a US dollar; fight, boxing match (Slang)
v. grind, crush; manufacture a product in a mill; wander about in a group of people; fight (Slang)

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