

1. anlamı i. diş, çentik, kertik; işaret edilmiş yer. in the nick of time tam zamanında. old Nick Şeytan. nh:,lakap/çentik,xyz ensele/aşır/çent.
2. anlamı çentik. sıyrık. ii. kodes. çentmek. sıyırmak. araklamak. yürütmek. sağlık durumu. form. kondisyon.
3. anlamı çentik. siyrik. kodes. saglik durumu. form. kondisyon. çentmek. siyirmak. araklamak. yürütmek.


Nick İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı

Nick anlamları

  1. (noun) An evil spirit of the waters.
  2. (noun) A notch cut crosswise in the shank of a type, to assist a compositor in placing it properly in the stick, and in distribution.
  3. (v. t.) To hit at, or in, the nick; to touch rightly; to strike at the precise point or time.
  4. (v. t.) To suit or fit into, as by a correspondence of nicks; to tally with.
  5. (noun) A score for keeping an account; a reckoning.
  6. (v. t.) To mar; to deface; to make ragged, as by cutting nicks or notches in.
  7. (v. t.) To make a cross cut or cuts on the under side of (the tail of a horse, in order to make him carry ir higher).
  8. (noun) A broken or indented place in any edge or surface; nicks in china.
  9. (v. t.) To nickname; to style.
  10. (v. t.) To make a nick or nicks in; to notch; to keep count of or upon by nicks; as, to nick a stick, tally, etc.
  11. (noun) A particular point or place considered as marked by a nick; the exact point or critical moment.
  12. (noun) A notch cut into something
  13. (v. t.) To mar; to deface; to make ragged, as by cutting nicks or notches in.
  14. (noun) A particular point or place considered as marked by a nick; the exact point or critical moment.
  15. (v. t.) To suit or fit into, as by a correspondence of nicks; to tally with.
  16. (noun) A notch cut into something
  17. (noun) A score for keeping an account; a reckoning.
  18. (noun) A broken or indented place in any edge or surface; nicks in china.
  19. (noun) A notch cut crosswise in the shank of a type, to assist a compositor in placing it properly in the stick, and in distribution.
  20. (v. t.) To hit at, or in, the nick; to touch rightly; to strike at the precise point or time.
  21. (noun) An evil spirit of the waters.
  22. (v. t.) To nickname; to style.
  23. (v. t.) To make a cross cut or cuts on the under side of (the tail of a horse, in order to make him carry ir higher).
  24. (v. t.) To make a nick or nicks in; to notch; to keep count of or upon by nicks; as, to nick a stick, tally, etc.

Nick tanım:

Kelime: nick
Söyleniş: 'nik
İşlev: noun
Kökeni: Middle English nyke, probably alteration of nocke nock
1 a : a small notch or groove b : a small cut or wound c : a break in one strand of two-stranded DNA caused by a missing phosphodiester bond
2 : a final critical moment in the nick of time
3 slang British : PRISON; also : POLICE STATION
4 British : CONDITION in good nick

Nick ile eşanlamlı (synonym) kelimeler

Chip, Dent, Gouge, Notch, Snick,


İngilizce Nick kelimesinin İspanyolca karşılığı.
s. muesca, mella, picadura
v. mellar, hacer muescas


İngilizce Nick kelimesinin Fransızca karşılığı.
n. entaille; fissure; situation; prison (familier)
v. entailler; fissurer; voler


İngilizce Nick kelimesinin Almanca karşılığı.
n. Kerbe; Kittchen, Knast (Slang); Wache (Polizei); Revier
v. einschneiden; einkerben; schnappen, einlochen (Slang)


İngilizce Nick kelimesinin İtalyanca karşılığı.
s. tacca, intaccatura, incisione, intaglio; (sl) colpo favorevole; (sl) prigione, galera, (pop) gattabuia; (sl) stato, condizione
v. intaccare, fare una tacca, fare un'incisione in; scalfire, graffiare, ferire leggermente; (sl) rubare, (gerg) grattare; (sl) catturare, prendere, pizzicare; arrestare; (sl) cogliere al volo


İngilizce Nick kelimesinin Portekizce karşılığı.
s. corte; entalhe; incisão; situação; prisão (gíria)
v. cortar; fazer uma fenda; roubar; exigir um certo preço (gíria)


f. çentmek, kesmek, doğru tahmin etmek, isabet ettirmek, kazıklamak, dolandırmak, çalmak, yürütmek, enselemek, tutuklamak, gafil avlamak
i. çentik, hapishane, yüksek sayı atma, gedik, karakol


Türkçe Nick kelimesinin İngilizce karşılığı.
[nick] n. small cut; chip; notch; jail (British Slang); pinch, steal (British)
v. cut slightly; chip; make a notch in; steal, pinch (British Slang); demand price; arrest (British Slang)
v. nod, move the head up and down (usually indicating agreement or assent); fall asleep briefly, drop the head forward while dozing off


Flemenkçe Nick kelimesinin İngilizce karşılığı.
npr. nick


İngilizce Nick kelimesinin Flemenkçe karşılığı.
zn. snee; kerf; staat; bajes (slang)
ww. snijden; kerven; stelen; afzetten (slang)


n. small cut; chip; notch; jail (British Slang); pinch, steal (British)
v. cut slightly; chip; make a notch in; steal, pinch (British Slang); demand price; arrest (British Slang)
v. nod, move the head up and down (usually indicating agreement or assent); fall asleep briefly, drop the head forward while dozing off

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