Nickelodeon (Hırvatistan)


Bosnia and Herzegovina
| sister names = | web = }} Programlar Sağ taraftakiler Bulgarca ve Hırvatça


*SpongeBob SquarePants (Spuzva SquarePants) (Спонж Боб) *Rugrats(Карапузи) *iCarly *The Last Airbender (Аватар: Повелителят на 4 стихии) *The Fairly OddParents (Dosta OddParents)(Кръстници Волшебници) *Jimmy Neutron(Джими Неутрон) *Danny Phantom (Дани Фантом) *Drake & Josh (Drake i Josh) (Дреик и Джош) *Invader Zim (Osvajac Zim) *Hey Arnold! (Hej Arnold) *CatDog *The Mighty B! (Jak B) *Victorious *T.U.F.F. Puppy *Supah Ninjas (Supah Ninje) *How to Rock (Autumm 2012) *The Penguins of Madagascar (Pingvin od Madagascar) (Пингвините от Мадагаскар) *Big Time Rush *Ned's Declassified School Survival Guide (Ned je skinuta oznaka tajnosti School Survival Guide) *True Jackson, VP *Back at the Barnyard (Natrag na Barnyard) *Wayside (Strana puta) *My Life as a Teenage Robot (Moj zivot kao tinejdzerski robot) (Животът и приключенията на тинейджир робот) *Power Rangers Samurai *Planet Sheen *The Troop (Trupe) *Spliced! (Spojeni!)


*House of Anubis (Kuca od Anubis) *PopPixie *The Ren & Stimpy Show (Ren i Stimpy) *Kappa Mikey *Rocko's Modern Life *The Angry Beavers (Ljuta Beavers) *Aaahh!!! Real Monsters *Kenan & Kel (Kenan i Kel) *Catscratch *Frankenstein's Cat (Frankensteina Macka) *Animaniacs (Animanijak) *Pinky & the Brain (Pinky i Mozak) *Sabrina the Teenage Witch

Nick Jr.

*Dora the Explorer (Dora istrazuje) *Go, Diego, Go! *Blue's Clues (Plava je Tragove) *The Wonder Pets (Wonder Kucnis) *Ni Hao, Kai-Lan *Team Umizoomi (Umizoomi) *Bubble Guppies *GoGoRiki (Kikoriki) (Кикорики)


*3-2-1 Penguins! (3-2-1 Pingvins!) *The Adventures of Pete & Pete (Pete i Pete) *All Grown Up! (Svi Grown Up) *All That *The Amanda Show *As Told by Ginger (Kao sto je rekao dumbir) *Barbapapa *ChalkZone (Кредония) *Clarissa Explains It All (Clarissa To objasnjava sve) *Cousin Skeeter *Doug *Edgar & Ellen (Edgar i Ellen) *Fanboy and Chum Chum (Fanboy i Chum Chum) *Four Eyes! (Cetiri oka) *Genie in the House (Genie u Domu) *George of the Jungle (George iz dzungle) *Growing Up Creepie (Creepie) *Just Add Water (Русалки) *Johnny Test (Джони Тест) *KaBlam! *King Arthur's Disasters (King Arthur's katastrofe) *Legends of the Hidden Temple (Legende Skrivena Hrama) *Lola & Virginia (Lola i Virginia) *The Muppets on Broadway (Muppets na Broadwayu) *My Parents Are Aliens (Moji roditelji su strance) *The Naked Brothers Band (Gol Brat Grupa) *Naturally, Sadie (Naravno, Sadie) *Oh Yeah! Cartoons *Planet Sketch *Random! Cartoons *Ricky Sprocket *Rocket Power *Skyland *Tak and the Power of Juju (Tak i moc Juju) *The Spectacular Spider-Man (Spektakulami Spider-Man) *The Smurfs (Strumpfovi) *The Super Hero Squad Show *The Three Friends and Jerry *Trollz *Unfabulous *The Wild Thornberrys *The X's *Yakkity Yak *Zevo-3 *Zoey 101

Nick Jr.

*Allegra's Window (Allera's prozor) *The Backyardigans *Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom (Ben i Holly's Little Kraljevstvo) *Gullah Gullah Island *Little Bill *Oobi

