Nominalist İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı
Nominalist anlamları
- (noun) One of a sect of philosophers in the Middle Ages, who adopted the opinion of Roscelin, that general conceptions, or universals, exist in name only.
- (noun) One of a sect of philosophers in the Middle Ages, who adopted the opinion of Roscelin, that general conceptions, or universals, exist in name only.
Nominalist tanım:
Kelime: nom·i·nal·ism
Söyleniş: 'nä-m&-n&l-"i-z&m, 'näm-n&-"li-z&m
İşlev: noun
1 : a theory that there are no universal essences in reality and that the mind can frame no single concept or image corresponding to any universal or general term
2 : the theory that only individuals and no abstract entities (as essences, classes, or propositions) exist -- compare ESSENTIALISM, REALISM
- nom·i·nal·ist

- nominalist or nom·i·nal·is·tic