Nonpareil İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı
Nonpareil anlamları
- (a.) Any other similar bird of the same genus.
- (a.) Having no equal; peerless.
- (a.) Something of unequaled excellence; a peerless thing or person; a nonesuch; -- often used as a name.
- (a.) A size of type next smaller than minion and next larger than agate (or ruby).
- (a.) A beautifully colored finch (Passerina ciris), native of the Southern United States. The male has the head and neck deep blue, rump and under parts bright red, back and wings golden green, and the tail bluish purple. Called also painted finch.
- (a.) A beautifully colored finch (Passerina ciris), native of the Southern United States. The male has the head and neck deep blue, rump and under parts bright red, back and wings golden green, and the tail bluish purple. Called also painted finch.
- (a.) Any other similar bird of the same genus.
- (a.) Having no equal; peerless.
- (a.) Something of unequaled excellence; a peerless thing or person; a nonesuch; -- often used as a name.
- (a.) A size of type next smaller than minion and next larger than agate (or ruby).
Nonpareil tanım:
Kelime: non·pa·reil
Söyleniş: "nän-p&-'rel
İşlev: adjective
Kökeni: Middle English nonparaille, from Middle French nonpareil, from non- pareil equal, from (assumed) Vulgar Latin pariculus, from Latin par equal
: having no equal
Nonpareil ile eşanlamlı (synonym) kelimeler
Apotheosis, Ideal, Matchless, Nonesuch, Nonsuch, One, Paragon, Peerless, Saint, Unrivaled,Nonpareil
İngilizce Nonpareil kelimesinin İspanyolca karşılığı.s. Que no tiene par
İngilizce Nonpareil kelimesinin Fransızca karşılığı.n. unique, il n'a pas son pareil
İngilizce Nonpareil kelimesinin Almanca karşılığı.n. nicht Seinesgleichen
İngilizce Nonpareil kelimesinin İtalyanca karşılığı.s. persona che non ha l'uguale; (Tip) corpo 6; nonpariglia
İngilizce Nonpareil kelimesinin Portekizce karşılığı.s. incomparabilidade
i. eşsiz insan, benzersiz şey, tablet şekerleme, altı puntoluk harfs. eşsiz, benzersiz, emsalsiz
Fransızca Nonpareil kelimesinin İngilizce karşılığı.adj. unequalled, incomparable, cannot be compared, dissimilar, matchless
İngilizce Nonpareil kelimesinin Flemenkçe karşılığı.bn. onvergelijkelijk, weergaloos
zn. pareldrukletter, nonpareille
n. unique person or thing; little chocolate disc covered with sugar pelletsadj. unequalled, incomparable, cannot be compared, dissimilar, matchless
Fransızca Nonpareil kelimesinin Türkçe karşılığı.benzeri olmayan, eşsiz