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} } 'deki" target="_blank"> merkezi ] Tarih Novartis 1996'da çok uzun geçmişleri olan




in birleşmesiyle oluşmuş bir şirkettir. Bu şirketler yıllar önceki büyük birleşmeler ile oluştu. J. R. Geigy (1758'de Basel'de kuruldu.) ve Ciba (1859'da Basel'de kuruldu) ilaç şirketlerinin birleşmesiyle 1970'te


adlı şirket oluştu . Bu şirketlerin yaklaşık 250 yıllık tarihleri vardır. Novartis'in resmi sitesindeki tarih


Johann Rudolf Geigy-Gemuseus (1733 - 1793) İsviçre'nin Basel kentinde 1758'de kimyasallar, boyalar, ilaçlar vb. çeşitler ile ticarete başladı. Johann Rudolf Geigy-Merian (1830 - 1917) ve Johann Müller-Pack 1857'de Basel'e yerleşme hakkını elde etti, oraya dyewood işleme ve boya çıkarma fabrikası kurdular. İki yıl geçti, onlar sentetik fuchsine üretmeye başladılar. 1901'de Geigy şirketin yönetimini, Halka Açık Limited Şirketine (Public Limited Company, PLC) çevirdi ve 1914'te, şirketin adı J.R. Geigy Ltd olarak değiştirildi. 1859'da Alexander Clavel (1805 – 1873) fuchsine üretimini aldı ve onun fabrikası için Basel'de boya işleriyle uğraştı. In 1864, a new site for the production of synthetic dyes is constructed, and in 1873, Clavel sells his dye factory to the new company Bindschedler & Busch. In 1884 Bindschedler & Busch is transformed into a joint-stock company with the name "Gesellschaft für Chemische Industrie Basel" (Company for Chemical Industry Basel). The abbreviation CIBA becomes so widespread that it was adopted as the company's name in 1945. In 1925 J.R. Geigy Ltd. starts producing textile auxiliaries, an activity which Ciba takes up in 1928. Ciba and Geigy merged in 1971 to form Ciba†‘Geigy Ltd., and this company merged with


in 1996 to form Novartis.



LSD sentezi alanında en iyi bilinenlerden perhaps best known for synthesizing LSD in 1938. This was later marketed under the trade name Delysid as a psychiatric treatment from 1947 through the early 1960s. The Chemiefirma Kern &


("Kern &


Chemistry Firm") was founded in 1886 by Dr. Alfred Kern (1850-1893) and Edouard


(1853-1928). The first dyes manufactured there were alizarine blue and auramine. After Kern's death, the partnership was changed to the corporation Chemische Fabrik vormals


in 1895. The company began producing the fever-reducing drug antipyrin in the same year. Between the World Wars, Gynergen (1921) and Calcium-


(1929) were brought to market.


also produced chemicals for textiles, paper, and leather beginning in 1929. In 1939, they began producing agricultural chemicals. From 1899, the sugar substitute saccharin was produced. Prior to the merger of




to form Novartis in 1996,


also engaged in drug development. Pharmaceutical research began in 1917 under Professor Arthur Stoll (1887-1971). In 2005,


expanded significantly though the acquisition of Hexal, one of Germany's leading generics company, and Eon Labs, a fast-growing U.S. generic pharmaceutical company. The psychedelic effects of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) were discovered at the


laboratories in 1943 by Albert Hofmann.


began clinical trials, and marketed the drug under the name Delysid as a psychiatric drug thought useful for treating a wide variety of mental ailments, from alcoholism to sexual deviancy.


suggested in its literature that psychiatrists take LSD themselves, to gain a better subjective understanding of the schizophrenic experience, and many did exactly that. For several years, the psychedelic drugs were also called "psychotomimetic" because they were thought to mimic psychosis. Later research caused this term to be abandoned, as neuroscientists gained a better understanding of psychoses, including schizophrenia. Research on LSD peaked in the 1950s and early 1960s.


withdrew the drug from the market in the mid 1960s.


opened its first foreign offices in 1964. In 1967,


merged with Wander AG (known for Ovomaltine and Isostar).


acquired the companies Delmark, Wasabröd (Swedish manufacturer of crisp bread), and Gerber Products Company baby food makers. On November 1, 1986, a fire broke out in a production plant storage room, which led to a large amount of pesticide being released into the upper Rhine. This exposure killed many fish. In 1995,


spun off its speciality chemicals business to form Clariant. Subsequently, in 1997, Clariant merged with the speciality chemicals business that was spun off from Hoechst in Germany.

Birleşmeden Sonra

İki şirketin birleşmesinden sonra Novartis faaliyetlerini yeniden düzenledi ve kimyasal alandaki faaliyetlerini Ciba Özel Kimyasalları olarak tasarladı. In 1998 the company made headlines with its biotechnology licensing agreement with the UC Berkeley Department of Plant and Microbial Biology. Critics of the agreement expressed concern over prospects that the agreement would diminish academic objectivity, or lead to the commercialization of genetically modified plants. Anlaşma 2003 yılında sona erdi. Novartis combined its agricultural division with that of AstraZeneca to create Syngenta in November 2000. In 2003, Novartis created


, a subsidiary that bundles its generic drug production, reusing the brand of one of its predecessor companies. On April 20 2006 Novartis acquired the California-based Chiron Corporation. Chiron was formerly divided into three units: Chiron Vaccines and Chiron Blood Testing, which now combine to form Novartis Vaccines and Diagnostics, and Chiron BioPharmaceuticals, to be integrated into Novartis Pharmaceuticals. The ongoing Basel Campus Project has the aim to transform the St. Johann site - Novartis headquarters in Basel - "from an industrial complex to a place of innovation, knowledge and encounter". On 2005, Novartis introduced Certican® (Everolimus), an immunosuppressant. Everolimus is also Novartis' first marketed immunosupressant, after the approval of cyclosporin A. On October 2006, Novartis introduced Telbivudine, a new antiviral drug for hepatitis B. Novartis'in Türkiye'deki Fabrikası Novartis Türkiye Kurtköy Üretim Tesisleri, 31 Mayıs 2005 tarihinde açılmıştır. Bu fabrika 110 bin metrekare açık arazi üzerinde 51 bin metrekare kapalı alanda kuruludur. Novartis'in sitesindeki bilgilere göre

Kurtköy Üretim Tesisinde yer alan departmanlar

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