

1. anlamı (s.), (f.) çapraşık, anlaşılması güç; belirsiz, gösterişsiz, tanınmamış; bulutlu, karanlık; (f.) karartmak, karanlık yapmak; örtmek, gözden saklamak. obscurely (z.) anlaşılmayacak şekilde. obscureness, obscurity (i.) çapraşıklık, belirsizlik. ,bel.
2. anlamı belirsizlik.


Obscureness tanım:

Kelime: ob·scure
Söyleniş: äb-'skyur, &b-
İşlev: adjective
Kökeni: Middle English, from Middle French obscur, from Latin obscurus
1 a : DARK, DIM b : shrouded in or hidden by darkness c : not clearly seen or easily distinguished : FAINT
2 : not readily understood or clearly expressed; also : MYSTERIOUS
3 : relatively unknown: as a : REMOTE, SECLUDED b : not prominent or famous an obscure poet
4 : constituting the unstressed vowel \&\ or having unstressed \&\ as its value
- ob·scure·ly adverb
- ob·scure·ness noun
synonyms OBSCURE, DARK, VAGUE, ENIGMATIC, CRYPTIC, AMBIGUOUS, EQUIVOCAL mean not clearly understandable. OBSCURE implies a hiding or veiling of meaning through some inadequacy of expression or withholding of full knowledge obscure poems . DARK implies an imperfect or clouded revelation often with ominous or sinister suggestion muttered dark hints of revenge . VAGUE implies a lack of clear formulation due to inadequate conception or consideration a vague sense of obligation . ENIGMATIC stresses a puzzling, mystifying quality enigmatic occult writings . CRYPTIC implies a purposely concealed meaning cryptic hints of hidden treasure . AMBIGUOUS applies to language capable of more than one interpretation an ambiguous directive . EQUIVOCAL applies to language left open to differing interpretations with the intention of deceiving or evading moral precepts with equivocal phrasing .


İngilizce Obscureness kelimesinin İspanyolca karşılığı.
s. Falta de claridad, turbiosidad, opacidad; falta de claridez, incomprensibilidad, falta de unicidad


İngilizce Obscureness kelimesinin Fransızca karşılığı.
n. obscurité, brouillard, dans le vague; le fait d'être inconnu


İngilizce Obscureness kelimesinin Almanca karşılığı.
n. Unklarheit, Zweideutigkeit; Undeutlichkeit, Verschwommenheit; nicht erwähnenswert, nicht wert unterschieden zu werden


İngilizce Obscureness kelimesinin İtalyanca karşılığı.
s. oscurità, mancanza di chiarezza


İngilizce Obscureness kelimesinin Portekizce karşılığı.
s. obscurecimento; escuridão, trevas; falta de claridade, falta de distinção




n. vagueness, ambiguousness; indistinctness, haziness; being unremarkable, being unworthy of distinction