

1. anlamı alem. seks partisi.
2. anlamı baküs alemleri. baküs adına yapılan seks partileri.


Orgies tanım:

Kelime: or·gy
Söyleniş: 'or-jE
İşlev: noun
Türleri: plural orgies
Kökeni: Middle French orgie, from Latin orgia, plural, from Greek; akin to Greek ergon work -- more at WORK
1 : secret ceremonial rites held in honor of an ancient Greek or Roman deity and usually characterized by ecstatic singing and dancing
2 a : drunken revelry b : a sexual encounter involving many people; also : an excessive sexual indulgence
3 : something that resembles an orgy in lack of control or moderation an orgy of destruction


İngilizce Orgies kelimesinin İspanyolca karşılığı.
[orgy] s. orgía, abuso sexual, bacanal, crápula, desenfreno


İngilizce Orgies kelimesinin Fransızca karşılığı.
[orgy] n. orgie, partie de débauche; anarchie; fêtes solennelles, bacchanale (Mythologie grecque)


İngilizce Orgies kelimesinin Almanca karşılığı.
[orgy] n. Orgie


İngilizce Orgies kelimesinin İtalyanca karşılığı.
[orgy] s. (Stor; gr) orgia; bagordo, crapula


İngilizce Orgies kelimesinin Portekizce karşılığı.
[orgy] s. orgia; depravação


i. baküs alemleri, baküs adına yapılan seks partileri


[orgy] n. gathering at which the participants take part in wild revelry and debauchery, party with excessive drinking and promiscuity; any activity which is done in a extravagantly indulgent way; sacred religious rites of worship that included wantonness and wild promiscuity (Greek Mythology) n. orgy, bacchanalia, gathering at which the participants take part in wild revelry and debauchery; any activity which is done in a extravagantly indulgent way; sacred religious rites of worship that included wantonness and wild promiscuity