

1. anlamı f. (-ted, -ting) çukura yerleştirmek; çukurlaştırmak; ufak çukurlarla doldurmak; dövüş meydanına çıkarmak (horoz); bir birine karşı kışkırtmak; çekirdeklerini çıkarmak; tıp geçici olarak çukurlaşmak. pit one against another birbiriyle mücadeleye.
2. anlamı çukur. oyuk. kuyu. maden ocağı. parter (tiyatro). orkestra yeri. çopur. çekirdek. meyve çekirdeği. çukurlaşmak. oyuk oyuk olmak. çukur yapmak. iz bırakmak (ciltte). çukura koymak. çopur bırakmak. çekirdeğini çıkarmak. (araba yarışında) süper hızla tamirat.


Pit İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı

Pit anlamları

  1. () A cellar or excavation used for refuge from a cyclone, or tornado.
  2. (noun) A depression or thin spot in the wall of a duct.
  3. (noun) A covered deep hole for entrapping wild beasts; a pitfall; hence, a trap; a snare. Also used figuratively.
  4. (noun) The shaft of a coal mine; a coal pit.
  5. (noun) The indentation or mark left by a pustule, as in smallpox.
  6. (noun) A large cavity or hole in the ground, either natural or artificial; a cavity in the surface of a body; an indentation
  7. (noun) Formerly, that part of a theater, on the floor of the house, below the level of the stage and behind the orchestra; now, in England, commonly the part behind the stalls; in the United States, the parquet; also, the occupants of such a part of a theater.
  8. (v. t.) To mark with little hollows, as by various pustules; as, a face pitted by smallpox.
  9. (v. t.) To introduce as an antagonist; to set forward for or in a contest; as, to pit one dog against another.
  10. (noun) An inclosed area into which gamecocks, dogs, and other animals are brought to fight, or where dogs are trained to kill rats.
  11. (noun) The endocarp of a drupe, and its contained seed or seeds; a stone; as, a peach pit; a cherry pit, etc.
  12. (noun) The hollow place under the shoulder or arm; the axilla, or armpit.
  13. (noun) A large hole in the ground from which material is dug or quarried; as, a stone pit; a gravel pit; or in which material is made by burning; as, a lime pit; a charcoal pit.
  14. (noun) A depression or hollow in the surface of the human body
  15. (noun) See Pit of the stomach (below).
  16. (noun) A vat sunk in the ground; as, a tan pit.
  17. (noun) Any abyss; especially, the grave, or hades.
  18. (v. t.) To place or put into a pit or hole.

Pit tanım:

Kelime: pit
Söyleniş: 'pit
İşlev: noun
Kökeni: Middle English, from Old English pytt (akin to Old High German pfuzzi well), from Latin puteus well, pit
1 a (1) : a hole, shaft, or cavity in the ground (2) : MINE (3) : a scooped-out place used for burning something (as charcoal) b : an area often sunken or depressed below the adjacent floor area: as (1) : an enclosure in which animals are made to fight each other (2) : a space at the front of a theater for the orchestra (3) : an area in a securities or commodities exchange in which members trade (as stocks)
2 a : HELL -- used with the b : a place or situation of futility, misery, or degradation c plural : WORST it's the pits
3 : a hollow or indentation especially in the surface of an organism: as a : a natural hollow in the surface of the body b : one of the indented scars left in the skin by a pustular disease : POCKMARK c : a minute depression in the secondary wall of a plant cell functioning in the intercellular movement of water and dissolved material
4 : any of the areas alongside an auto racecourse used for refueling and repairing the cars during a race -- often used in plural with the

Pit ile eşanlamlı (synonym) kelimeler

Cavity, Colliery, Endocarp, Fossa, Mark, match, Oppose, Pitfall, Pock, Quarry, Scar, Stone,


İngilizce Pit kelimesinin İspanyolca karşılığı.
s. hoyo, foso, hoya, pozo; reñidero; semilla; picadura de viruela s. carozo v. remover la semilla; llenarse de picaduras, llenarse de marcas; llenar de hoyos


İngilizce Pit kelimesinin Fransızca karşılığı.
n. fosse; mine; puits, piège; arène; piqûre (automobile); cicatrice; parquet (bourse) n. fosse; puits; noyau de fruit v. opposer; se mesurer à; piqueter (la peau)


İngilizce Pit kelimesinin Almanca karşılığı.
n. Grube; Zeche; Arena; Sprunggrube; Sprunghügel n. Grube; Vertiefung; Pockennarbe; Parkett (Theater); Box (Autorennen) v. entsteinen; anzerfressen; mit Narben bedecken


İngilizce Pit kelimesinin İtalyanca karşılığı.
s. fossa, buca, scavo; (Minier) cava; pozzo; miniera di carbone; cavità, depressione; (fig) inferno, regno delle tenebre, (lett) abisso; (dial) tomba; (Teat) platea; pubblico di platea v. butterare; mettere nel recinto di combattimento; (estens) far misurare, opporre, contrapporre; infossare, interrare, mettere in una fossa


İngilizce Pit kelimesinin Portekizce karşılığı.
s. buraco; poço; sepultura (de animais); mina; sala da bolsa; cova s. caroço v. fazer cicatriz; colocar de fronte a


f. çukurlaşmak, oyuk oyuk olmak, çukur yapmak, iz bırakmak (ciltte), çukura koymak, çopur bırakmak, çekirdeğini çıkarmak i. çukur, oyuk, kuyu, maden ocağı, parter [tiy.], orkestra yeri, çopur, çekirdek, meyve çekirdeği


Flemenkçe Pit kelimesinin İngilizce karşılığı.
n. kernel, drupel, stone, pip, wick, candlewick, pith, pit, duramen, core, granule, grain, nucleus, marrow, spunky, heart


İngilizce Pit kelimesinin Flemenkçe karşılığı.
zn. kolenput, kolenmijn, mijn, mijnschacht, kuil, groeve, schacht, putje, kuiltje, gracht, greppel, groef, diepte, pits, parterre, pit ww. inkuilen, u, it.g.r.a.ven


n. hole; mine; trap; ring where animal fights take place; depression; section of the stock market where a particular type of commodity is traded n. stone, kernel, seed v. scar, cause a permanent marking; put in opposition, set one against another


Flemenkçe Pit kelimesinin Fransızca karşılığı.
1. (kaars) mèche (f)2. (opwinding) piquant (m) 3. (opvoering) énergie (f); vigueur (f)4. (vrucht) graine (f); noyau (m); pépin (m) 5. (gedrag) cran (m){informal}

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