

1. anlamı f. işaret etmek, göstermek;yöneltmek;hedefe nişan almak;duvar taşları arasını çimento ve harç ile doldurmak;ucunu sivriltmek;hareketsiz durup avın yerini göstermek(av köpeği),ferma etmek.point at parmakla işaret etmek; tüfeğin namlusunu hedefe çevirm.
2. anlamı s. sivri uçlu; keskin, nüfuz edici, tesirli; özel anlam ifade eden, manalı. pointedly z. manalı olarak, belirli bir şahsı veya şeyi hedef alarak. ,maksatlı/sivri uçlu,poin aç/doğrult/işaret et.
3. anlamı sivri uçlu. anlamlı.


Pointed İngilizce anlamı ve tanımı

Pointed anlamları

  1. (a.) Characterized by sharpness, directness, or pithiness of expression; terse; epigrammatic; especially, directed to a particular person or thing.
  2. (a.) Sharp; having a sharp point; as, a pointed rock.
  3. (imp. & p. p.) of Point

Pointed tanım:

Kelime: 2point
İşlev: verb
transitive senses
1 a : to furnish with a point : SHARPEN pointing a pencil with a knife b : to give added force, emphasis, or piquancy to point up a remark
2 : to scratch out the old mortar from the joints of (as a brick wall) and fill in with new material
3 a (1) : to mark the pauses or grammatical divisions in : PUNCTUATE (2) : to separate (a decimal fraction) from an integer by a decimal point -- usually used with off b : to mark (as Hebrew words) with diacritics (as vowel points )
4 a (1) : to indicate the position or direction of especially by extending a finger point the way home (2) : to direct someone's attention to point the way to new knowledge -- Elizabeth Hall -- usually used with out or up point out a mistake points up the difference b of a hunting dog : to indicate the presence and place of (game) by a point
5 a : to cause to be turned in a particular direction point a gun pointed the boat upstream b : to extend (a leg) and arch (the foot) in executing a point in dancing
intransitive senses
1 a : to indicate the fact or probability of something specified everything points to a bright future b : to indicate the position or direction of something especially by extending a finger point at the map c : to direct attention can point with pride to their own traditions d : to point game a dog that points well
2 a : to lie extended, aimed, or turned in a particular direction a directional arrow that pointed to the north b : to execute a point in dancing
3 of a ship : to sail close to the wind
4 : to train for a particular contest


İngilizce Pointed kelimesinin İspanyolca karşılığı.
adj. apuntado, afilado, anguloso, picudo, puntiagudo, puntudo


İngilizce Pointed kelimesinin Fransızca karşılığı.
adj. aigu, pointu; mordant, sarcastique; provocant


İngilizce Pointed kelimesinin Almanca karşılığı.
[point] v. zeigen; richten; spitzen; auszeichnen adj. gespitzt; spitz; gerichtet; ostentativ


İngilizce Pointed kelimesinin İtalyanca karşılığı.
agg. appuntito, aguzzo, acuminato; puntato; (fig) intenzionale, fatto di proposito; (fig) mordace, aspro, caustico, tagliente


İngilizce Pointed kelimesinin Portekizce karşılığı.
adj. pontiagudo; pontudo; apontado; expositivo, demonstrativo


s. sivri, sivri uçlu, uçlu, keskin, dokunaklı, iğneli, anlamlı, sert, kesin, isabetli, yerinde


İngilizce Pointed kelimesinin Flemenkçe karşılığı.
bn. puntig, scherp, spits, nadrukkelijk


adj. having a point; sharp, cutting; aimed, directed; demonstrative, showy, ostentatious